Legarda renews call for world leaders to fight climate change

MANILA, Philippines - Sen. Loren Legarda renewed yesterday her call for world leaders to take bold and decisive actions to combat climate change following the aftermath of superstorm “Sandy” that devastated the US East Coast.

“As I have said many years ago, climate change is the greatest development and humanitarian challenge of our times,” she said.

According to Legarda, climate change has also become a defining political issue in America.

“Even in the Philippines, climate change is a defining political issue because it means livelihood, jobs, homes, and our very survival,” she added.

Legarda noted that New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has endorsed President Obama because of the steps he has taken to address climate change, while New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie commended Obama’s actions at the height of the storm.

Bloomberg cited Obama’s efforts in pushing for regulations that would cut emissions from cars and power plants.

Christie appreciated the efforts of Obama and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) officials for working closely with the state government during the disaster.

“World leaders must not allow people to continuously suffer from floods, hunger, displacement, and economic setbacks. This is disaster risk reduction politics,” Legarda said.

She said the aftermath of Sandy presents an opportunity to remind world leaders of their great responsibility to lead people out of the crises and uncertainties brought about by unsustainable development, worsening disasters and climate change.

Legarda is the United Nations Regional Champion for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation for Asia-Pacific.

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