MacArthur memorial in Virginia to undergo major expansion

Younger generations have probably forgotten the significant role Gen. Douglas MacArthur played in Philippine history.

Today, they probably view MacArthur as a distant historical figure who helped Filipino soldiers fight the Japanese during the Second World War.

They remember MacArthur from history books as the American general who said, “I shall return” and kept his promise when he landed in Leyte to defeat the Japanese army.

In a bid to preserve his legacy and raise awareness about his contribution to Philippine independence, particularly to the younger generations living in the United States, the General MacArthur Foundation will expand and renovate the MacArthur memorial in Virginia to accommodate more details and facts about the life of this great general, Col. William Davis, executive director of the General MacArthur Foundation, announced.

“We are pleased to unveil our plans for a major expansion of the MacArthur memorial. Our goal is to ensure the legacy of MacArthur and the Filipinos to future generations by presenting programs, educational resources, special events and exhibits about his life and the periods that he was involved in throughout his life,” Davis told The STAR.

He said there are many Filipino-Americans in Virginia where the museum and historical center is located and this would help the next generations of Fil-Ams to connect to MacArthur’s life.

“There’s a majority of Fil-Ams in Virginia and I for one, has a long-standing relationship with them,” Davis said.

Davis also said that the expansion, the first phase of a broader master plan, would enhance and transform the visitor’s experience between Americans and Filipino-Americans.

But the foundation will need help, Davis said. He is appealing to sponsors here to help fund the expansion of the memorial. He said the city of Norfolk has already pledged to donate half of the $2-million fund. A total of $4.5 million is needed for the completion of the expansion.

“The expansion is important for us to complete the modernization project. We hope individuals and major corporations help us achieve this project. We will have the names of donors inscribed in the book, which will be shown to visitors in the museum,” Davis said.

The MacArthur memorial will have a more spacious exhibit room, a sophisticated new multi-media theater and improved facilities.

Davis was recently in town to visit the sites where MacArthur lived and held office.

“I went here to be able to connect, to see some of the sights and somehow immerse in the life of Douglas MacArthur, I am also explaining to donors about the museum,” he said.

Accompanied by former President Fidel Ramos, Davis went to Corregidor and some of the historic sights and places in Manila.

Davis also revealed that the foundation is planning to launch leadership programs to recognize and commend exemplary soldiers in the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

“We want to bestow these awards to outstanding young Filipino soldiers who exemplify outstanding leadership, who epitomize the qualities of duty, value and honor. MacArthur has a long standing connection to the AFP and we want to establish an award to maintain MacArthur’s legacy and connect to future generations of Filipinos,” Davis said.

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