Police brass ignore Lacson, continue to receive 'tong'

A number of police officials in Metro Manila continue to receive"payola" money from operators of illegal gambling and bold shows despite an order from Deputy Director General Panfilo Lacson, chief of the Philippine National Police, against doing so.

The continued "tong" collection activities of these "enterprising" police officials, has caught the attention of Metro Manila police director Chief Superintendent Edgar Aglipay, who is now studying ways on how to arrest them.

Aglipay refused to say who among the five police district directors and 37 station commanders in Metro Manila are violating the directive issued last January by Lacson against receiving "tong" from operators of all forms of vice.

Sources said all police officials in Metro Manila refused to receive a single centavo from illegal vice operators two weeks after Lacson issued his directive.

But when Lacson's promised funds failed to arrive on the 4th week, the police officials talked discreetly with illegal vices operators to continue their "unholy" alliance.

The source told The STAR that the illegal vice operators "tong" money reach the police officials through a civilian collector or through the bank automated teller machines (ATM).

Aglipay said elements of the Regional Intelligence and Investigation Committee (RIIC) headed by his deputy for administration Chief Superintendent Efren Fernandez have monitored the activities of the "enterprising" police officials.

Fernandez reported to Aglipay that they are now in the process of catching these police officials in the act of receiving "payola" money so severe penalties would be meted against them.

"Hinahanapan natin ng paraan kung paano sila mahuli. Tahimik lang tayo at magulat na lamang sila kapag naaktuhan sila," Aglipay told The STAR in a telephone interview.

Aside from the RIIC, elements of the Regional Intelligence and Special Operations Office (RISOO), Regional Mobile Group (RMG) and the Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Task Force (PAOCTF) were mobilized to get these erring police officials.

According to Aglipay he will not hesitate to dismiss police officials caught receiving "payola" money or not following the policies and directives of Lacson.

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