A new chapter beckons for Richard Yap

How he is preparing for his grand entrance as a Kapuso talent
Cause he’s oh so good, and he’s oh so fine.
And he’s oh so healthy in his body and his mind.
He’s a well-respected man about town.
Doing the best thing so caonservatively.
That song by the Beatles aptly describes Richard Yap.
After signing up as a Kapuso, Richard Yap has been beefing up his already well-structured body.
In the meantime, while waiting for the oft-postponed shoot for I Left My Heart in Sorsogon, his first GMA series with Heart Evangelista, he would appear as guest in other Kapuso shows (I Can See You: On My Way Home and Dear Uge).
Born on May 18 (the junction between Aries and Taurus), Richard stands 5’9”, and wears medium-size shirt and briefs and size-8 shoes.

How are his locked-down days like with his family (wife Melody and their children Ashley and Dylan)?
“All the lockdowns we have been having, my typical day now starts late. I wake up before noon and have brunch with Melody then we watch Netflix. Mid-afternoon, we usually have coffee and merienda with the kids.”
But Richard clarified that he is not working out too much so as not to appear too big for the petite Heart.
“We hang around the dining room and talk. After a while then it’s gym time for me while Melody and Ashley also work out on their own while Dylan goes back to his room to do his homework or plays his games. After working out, we shower then have dinner together, where we spend time talking also then go up to our rooms after to watch TV or prepare for bed. During workdays, I also spend some time taking care of the office stuff such as preparing checks or monitoring my staff at the office.”
What kind of diet do you follow; what’s usually for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
“Right now, I’m following a diet from my trainer which calls for eggs, oatmeal and peanut butter for breakfast. Lunch will be chicken with vegetables and brown rice. Protein shake for my after workout meal. Fish, veggies and brown rice for dinner.”
How much water do you take per day (what about soda, coffee or tea)?
“I’m a coffee person so I take about two to three cups a day at most, sometimes tea. I take a lot of water, more than the recommended eight glasses per day. I generally don’t drink soda unless I’m craving for it which is not often.”
What vitamins/supplements are you taking?
“I’m taking a multivitamin with Zinc, 1,000 mg. of Vitamin C, Vitamin B + and Vitamin D.”
Any health regimen (like drinking two glasses of lemon water upon waking up in the morning)?
“Not really, I do have a glass of water in the morning when I wake up but I don’t add lemon.”
What kind of workout do you do (in your home gym) and how often do you do it?
“It varies every two to three months. Right now, I’m doing shredding so that I will get lean, so I do a lot of traditional weight training for about 45 minutes then I have 15 to 20 mins of HIIT training at the end. I usually workout either seven days, then one day-off or three days, one day-off. Unless I play golf, then I don’t work out on that day”
What part of your body needs improvement?
“It would have to be my legs.”
What part of your body is most vulnerable?
“My knees because of too much badminton before.”
What part of your body is your favorite/you’re proud of?
“I guess my arms and chest because they are easier to grow.”
What’s your favorite sport?
“Now it’s golf. Before I was crazy about billiards, and before that badminton. But I also like martial arts, practical shooting, archery and scuba diving.”
Do you get enough sleep (seven to eight hours) per night?
“As much as possible I try to get eight hours but I’m a night owl, so I usually sleep late.”
What’s your favorite sleepwear?
“Shorts or pajamas and a T-shirt.”
Last thing that you do before you go to sleep?
“I pray and thank God for everything right before I sleep.”
First thing that you do as soon as you wake up?
“Kiss my wife.”
How do you cope with stress (music, reading, movies, meditation, massage, etc.)?
“I work out, if not I get a massage or listen to music.”
Any time for hobbies?
Now not so much, I used to read a lot when I was younger.
Favorite City/hideaway (when you need to get away from it all)?
“It would have to be Tokyo, Japan or Bangkok.”
Outlook in life (pessimist or optimist)?
“When I was younger, I was a pessimist, but I learned to stop worrying and am now an optimist. Like Bugs Bunny said. ‘Don’t take life too seriously. No one comes out of it alive anyway.’”
First place you will visit when the situation becomes normal?
“For now, it will be Cebu as I have so many things to do and take care of there. When we are allowed to travel, I hopefully go back to Japan.”
(E-mail reactions at [email protected]. For more updates, photos and videos, visit www.philstar.com/funfare or follow me on Instagram @therealrickylo.)
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