Know who your Guardian Angels are

Do you know who your Guardian Angel is?

I bet you don’t.

Three of my friends don’t and they requested Funfare to reprint the list of Guardian Angels.

Wish granted.

Here they are (from the book Who Is Your Guardian Angel? By Veronique Jarry):

= For people born Jan. 1 to 5: Nemamiah (“....wants his proteges to have a grand soul and a noble mind…”)…Jan. 6 to 10: Ieilael (“…protégés granted a sharp intelligence, a precise and meticulous mind…”)…Jan. 11 to 15: Harahel (“…wants his protégés to engage in constructive intellectual activity…”)…Jan. 16 to 20: Mitzrael (“…brings health to the mind, and liberates those that are oppressed or persecuted…”)…Jan. 21 to 25: Umabel (“…protégés will have a very scientific mind, and are gifted in anything to do with physics, astronomy and mathematics…”)…Jan. 26 to 30: Iahhel (“…wants his proteges to rise above inconsistencies or superficial concerns…”).

= For people born Jan. 31 to Feb. 4: Annauel (“…gives power to bring nations to a just, peaceful and prosperous regime…”)…Feb. 5 to 9: Mehriel (“…his proteges have a lot of imagination; and any wish, any thought, any idea can materialize…”)…Feb. 10 14: Damabiah (“…protects his protégés against evil and bad spells and grants wisdom…”)…Feb. 15 to 19: Manakel (“…he understands the weaknesses of his protégés…”)…Feb. 20 to 24 (“…inspires the mind of his protégés, so that they can see the truth in life…)…Feb. 23 to 29: Habuiah (“…he grants good health and cures diseases…”).

= For people born March 1 to 5: Rochel (“…he will enlighten the mind of his protégés, so that they may find what they have lost…)…March 6 to 10: Jabamiah (“…wants his proteges to regenerate themselves, to restore harmony within…”)…March 11 to 15: Haiaiel (“…protects proteges against negative situation or influences…”)…March 16 20: Mumiah (“…his protégés will have intense values and express them with the energy and intensity of Mumiah…”)…March 21 to 25: Vehuiah (“…his protégés are loaded with energy and can succeed in anything…”)…March 26 to 30: Jeliel (“…helps his protégés to be noble and fair…”)…March 31 to April 4: Sitael (“…rules nobility and destroys adversity…”).

= For people born April 5 to 9: Elemiah (“…helps his protégés to make useful discoveries, to be industrious…”)…April 10 to 14: Mahasiah (“…grants his protégés a tremendous moral strength that nothing can destroy…”)…April 15 to 20: Lelahel (“…protégés are granted talent and can be very successful in arts and sciences…”)…April 21 to 25: Achaiah (“…granted a sharp intelligence and a deep sense of comprehension…”)…April 26 to 30: Cahethel (“…gives his strong blessing and protection, therefore everything will turn out for the best for his protégés…”).

= For people born May 1 to 5: Haziel (“…grants the forgiveness of God; will help his protégés to live with love…”)…May 6 to 10: Aladiah (“…helps his protégés to maintain good health, and to be involved in lucky endeavors…”)…May 11 to 15: Lauviah (“…protector of many celebrities, influences great personages, and those who become famous through their talents…”)…May 16 to 20: Hahaiah (“…wants his protégés to have high moral standards and pleasant manners…”)…May 21 to 25: Ieiazel (“…his protégés can have a great role in conciliating and unifying at all levels…”)…May 26 to 31: Mebahel (“…protects the innocents and helps regain what they have unfairly lost…”).

= For people born June 1 to 5: Hariel (“…leads his protégés to spirituality; wants them to have high moral standards…”)…June 6 to 10: Hakamiah (“…wants his protégés to be honest and loyal…”)…June 11 to 15: Lauviah (“…protégés are not only intelligent and knowledgeable, they even have a sixth sense…”)…June 16 to 21: Caliel (“…wants his protégés to be just and honest, to look for the truth and to be fair judges…”)…June 22 to 26: Leuviah (“…wants his protégés to be pleasant and lively…”)…June 27 to July 1: Pahaliah (“…wants protégés to live according to hgher principles…”).

= For people born July 2 to 6: Nelchael (“…wants his proteges to be interested in studying, in seeking a higher level; intellectually, spiritually, even mentally…”)…July 7 to 11: Ieiaiel (‘’…his protégés have a good business sense, analyze situations very sharply…”)…July 12 to 16: Melahel (“…helps his protégés to understand the laws of nature, the mechanisms of life…”)…July 17 to 22: Hahuiah (“…protects disadvantaged people, anyone in trouble spiritually or physically…”)…July 23 to 27: Nithaiah (“…helps his protégés to see the true goals of life…”)…July 28 to Aug. 1: Haaiah (“…guides his protégés in their missions, in their goals…”)…Aug. 2 to 6: Herathel (“…helps his protégés to spread light, justice and freedom around them…”).

= For people born Aug. 2 to 6: Ierathel (“…protects against slander and lies, enemies and unjustified aggression…”)…Aug 7 to 12: Seehiah (“…wants his protégés to learn from their problems, in order to reach a superior level…”)…Aug. 13 to 17: Reiiel (“…,protects against bad spell and evil spirits…”)…Aug. 18 to 22: Omael (“…helps to fight against sadness, disappointments and discouragement…”)…Aug. 23 to 28: Lecabel (“…brings the light, which means that he grants his protégés inspiration and wants them to follow this inspiration in a positive way…”).

= For people born Aug. 29 to Sept. 2: Vasariah (“…wants his protégés to be noble in their judgment, to be just and fair…”)…Sept. 3 to 7: Iehuiah (“…protects what is higher and most nobler within his protégés…”)…Sept. 8 to 12: Lehahiah (“…wants his protégés to work morally or materially for a superior cause or with a high-ranked person…”)…Sept. 13 to 17: Chavakiah (“…wants his protégés to do his work of reconciliation around them…”)…Sept. 18 to 23: Menadel (“…helps his protégés to free themselves by reconsidering themselves and their lives…”)…Sept., 24 to 28: Aniel (“…wants his protégés to be honesty and virtuous…”).

= For people born Sept. 29 to Oct. 3: Haamiah (“…wants his protégés to loom, for the truth…”)…Oct. 4 to 8: Rehael (“…helps his protégés to bring what is sick into health, physically of course…”)…Oct. 9 to 13: Ihiazel (“…helps his protégés to free themselves from anxiety and stress…”)…Oct. 14 to 18: Hahahael (“…leads his protégés to love and wisdom…”)…Oct. 19 to 23: Mikael (“…enlightens his protégés, so that they understand the rules of nature, the rules of life…”)…Oct. 24 to 28: Vevaliah (“…wants his protégés to fight for peace, as contradictory as it seems…”)…Oct. 29 to Nov. 2: Ielahiah (…his protégés have strong ideas and strong feelings…”).

= For people born Nov. 3 to 7: Sealiah (“…he gives strength and hope to the humiliated, the deprived and the oppressed…”)…Nov. 8 to 12: Ariel (“…helps his protégés to discover hidden treasures, spiritually and materially…”)…Nov. 13 to 17: Asaliah (“…protects against immoral behavior and scandals…”…Nov. 18 to 22: Mihael (“…wants his protégés to have peace and strength in their relationships…”)…Nov. 23 to 27: Vehuel (“…wants his protégés to develop their virtues, discover their true personality and their real talents…”)…Nov. 28 to Dec. 2: Daniel (“…wants his protégés to live by principles (motivation and courage) and inspire others as well…”)…Dec. 3 to 7: Hahaziah (“…his protégés  will want to understand all the properties inherent in animals, plants and minerals…”)…Dec. 8 to 12: Imamiah (“…helps his protégés to set themselves free from anything holding them back…”)…Dec. 13 to 16: Nanael (“…wants his protégés to reach a higher knowledge, a higher level of soul, an elevated spiritual level…”)…Dec. 17 to 21: Nithael (“…grants long life and mercy to his protégés, protects them against accidents and falls…”)…Dec. 22 to 26: Mebahiah (“…he wants his protégés to be achievers who can create great work, even build empires…”)…Dec. 26 to 31: Poiel (“…grants his protégés so much in such abundance that they will have to pass it on…”).

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