Know what K12 is on LegalHD

Hosts Karen Jimeno and Rod Nepomuceno

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippines is undergoing a major overhaul of bringing itself in line with the education systems of other countries, which is why the government passed and is implementing the K to 12 systems so that future generations of Filipinos will be more globally competitive.

With the new educational system, what are the changes that parents and students should expect? How will the K to 12 be beneficial to the students? What are the problems that are now being faced since the implementation of K to 12?

These questions will be asked as lawyers Karen Jimeno and Rod Nepomuceno talk to representatives from the Department of Education tonight at 8 on Legal Help Desk.

LegalHD airs Monday nights on Solar News Channel. Solar News Channel is available on Metro Manila free TV Channel 9, Sky Channel 14, Destiny Channel 14, Cignal Channel 10, Cablelink Channel 14, Cebu free TV Channel 9, Davao free TV Channel 9, Zamboanga free TV Channel 5, Baguio free TV Channel 12 and Bacolod free TV Channel 8.


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