Savage Alaska in Animal Planet

MANILA, Philippines - Uncover what it takes to survive in Savage Alaska, an ancient wilderness frontier and sometimes brutal land that is battle-ground for a range of top predators. Watch wildlife thrive in their pursuit to survive through landscapes of wavering seasons and ever-changing environments.

Join the greatest concentration of polar bears on the planet in the Arctic North and bear witness to the uneasy relationship between two of Alaska’s most iconic predators — grey wolves and brown bears on the southern coast. Savage Alaska premieres on Feb. 7 at 9 p.m. with encores on Feb. 8, 1 p.m.; Feb. 9, 4 p.m.; and Feb. 10, 12 noon.

Savage Alaska then traces the approach of winter and the cruel terms this harsh season brings with its transformation of the once flourishing Alaskan region into a forsaken frozen land where wildlife here must either learn to adapt or perish.

Witness how the indefatigable Alaskan wildlife survive the harsh extremes of sub-zero temperatures and barren surroundings by using their distinct adaptations while capitalizing on every advantage around them.

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