Sexy Talk with Ryan A.

Picture Ryan Agoncillo tired from work and he goes home to find his lovely wife Judy Ann Santos in silky housedress busy preparing dinner and what do you see?
Picture Ryan turning in with the bedroom lights way down low with Juday (but who else!?!) beside him and what do you see?
Picture Ryan in his birthday suit waking up to the crowing of cocks before sunrise with Juday in dreamy slumber beside him and what do you see?
For answers, use your imagination.
Meanwhile, at 6 p.m. tomorrow night (Saturday, Nov. 23) on GMA, Ryan will host the new show Picture! Picture! and you will see what you want to see: How photos can be engaging, thus eliciting a wide range of emotions.
It’s an interactive game show and viewers can win big money. Like how? See for yourselves.
So, can you picture-picture Ryan when he feels sexy-sexy and what do you think you will see?
Find out.
What is sexy to you?
“Hmmm, sexy to me right now is when the kids are asleep and the whole household is tucked in for the night, just a few lights left on, soft music and a light breeze blowing into the kitchen and my wife whips a late-night snack to go with the ice-cold beers we have in hand. The talk goes on and on and you don’t want the night to end...â€
When do you feel sexy?
“That moment when my wife’s laugh turns into a cackle, and it’s just the two of us in the room, I know I’m headed in the right direction.â€
What part of your body do you consider sexiest?
“It ain’t the part; it’s what you can do with that part, hehehehe!â€
When did you lose your innocence?
“I’ve never lost it; I just misplace it every now and then!â€
To a younger woman, older woman or a woman your age?
“Body was pretty even, brain age advantage went to her at that time.â€
Sexiest book?
“Ring of Fire by Rick Broadbent. It’s a study of the psyche of the recent motoGP champions and how they related and reacted to one another. It’s got nothing to do with sex, but it spoke strongly about desire. The desire of men to be number one…the desire that drives them almost to the edge of sanity and push the boundaries of what is believed to be humanly possible.â€
Sexiest movie?
Sexiest musical instrument?
“The bass guitar.â€
Sexiest song?
“Crush by the Dave Matthews Band. Not to be confused with Crash, another song by the same band, but of earlier vintage, which is equally sexy. Somehow though, now that I’m married the context is different and it’s Crush that’s put on in the kitchen at night; that bass line in the beginning just gets you going. Try listening to it in the ‘live’ at Central Park version on YouTube and you’ll know what I mean.â€
Sexiest TV show?
“CSI: Miami. Laughing at Horatio Caine just puts my wife into fits of laughter and it just gives me a great head start, you know.â€
Sexiest food?
“Hmmm, I just had spicy roast duck on top of buckwheat curry noodles made by the missus. Kinda hard to think of any other thing right now, to be honest.â€
Sexiest car?
“AC Shelby Cobra. Hands down…â€
Sexiest perfume?
Sexiest time of day?
“Anytime the kids aren’t in the room.â€
Sexiest part of the house?
“Anywhere the kids aren’t playing. Yes, seriously…â€
Sexiest animal?
“I don’t think of animals that way.â€
Sexiest billboard?
“I keep on seeing this woman on different billboards and bus ads on my way home, and I always am pleasantly surprised whenever I find that she’s there cooking or running around with my kids. Other than that, I’m too busy driving to look at billboards with other women. Promise…no, really. She might be reading this. Please. Stop it.â€
Sexiest scene you have seen in a movie?
“Scene in the movie Great Expectations (1998), where Finn (Ethan Hawke) wakes up to find Estella (Gwyneth Paltrow) next to the window barely draped in nothing but a blanket. They talk and he scrambles for his gear to paint his muse.â€
Sexiest scene you have ever done?
“Nothing I’ve done onscreen really counts as sexy. In my mind though...â€
Sexiest thing you have ever done to yourself?
“You really want to go there?â€
Sexiest thing you have ever done to or with somebody?
“Oh, I never share war stories of that kind.â€
Sexiest fantasy?
“Here we go again. Hmmm, let’s just say it’s no longer a fantasy.â€
Sexiest clothes, (pajamas, briefs, etc.)?
“Whatever is on the floor the next morning…â€
Sexiest concert you have ever seen?
“That one remains a fantasy, I want to chase the Dave Matthews Band around and just schedule a trip around their tour dates and really just soak in the vibe with my wife.â€
Sexiest face (of a woman)?
“Her eyes are moon pools and her lips are silk.â€
Three women that you find sexy?
“There can only be one.â€
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