Jay Park embraced by Filipinos

MANILA, Philippines - Fans of Korean pop star Jay Park climbed over one another to touch the singer-songwriter’s hand when he performed at the Eastwood Mall last Friday. They cheered and shrieked whenever Park danced to the beat of his hits from his new album New Breed.

Park is grateful and overwhelmed that he is embraced and supported in the Philippines.

“I really appreciate the love and support of my fans. This is my third time here in the Philippines and every single time that I am here, I feel very much appreciated. I really love it here. People show me a lot of love and I just want to say thank you for the interest and the hospitality,” Park told entertainment reporters in a press conference last Friday in Richmonde Hotel.

Park blew into town this week to promote his album, which carries 15 tracks ranging from R&B, electronic hip-hop to Euro dance.

He also performed at the Venice Piazza at McKinley Hill yesterday and will have another show today (May 6) at 4 p.m. at the Lucky Chinatown Mall Atrium in Binondo.

According to Park, he feels he has more artistic freedom now that he’s a solo artist.

He used to be a member of the popular K-Pop boy band 2PM but left the group in 2009 after a major controversy and an ugly spat with his previous management.

He said he has more freedom now to choose the artists he would like to collaborate with.

“I have a lot of control now — a lot of control with my music and the artists that I would like to work with. I can also map my career path,” Jay said.

For his album, he collaborated with US producer Rob Knox, rap group Dynamic Duo and other top artists to put up an eclectic record that is also an ear candy.

Park, who composed 80 percent of the songs in his album, said the album offers a lot of modern and danceable riffs.

“There are sexy songs, sad and happy songs, dance songs, hip-hop, rap, this album is versatile,” he said.

Among his favorite songs in the album are Know Your Name and Girlfriend.

“A lot of stuff in the album is good music. All the tracks are dear to me, Know Your Name and I Got Your Back are two of my favorites because both are inspirational and a lot of people like it,” he said.

Just how difficult is it to write songs?

Park said he follows a certain process.

Park: I just want to be known as a guy who puts up good performances. Someone who’s passionate about what he does.

“I write both in Korean and English. First, the producers send me a bunch of tracks. Then they send me 200 beats and then I pick the ones I want. So I put it on, combine the melodies, I write the hook first,” he explained.

“Basically, I get inspiration from listening to good songs and having a conversation with other people,” he added.

He also said he has moved on since the 2PM brouhaha.

Although admittedly, he said there’s also a disadvantage in going solo since he had to meet a lot of expectations.

“There’s  a lot of pressure because when you’re solo, you’re singing and dancing the whole time and all eyes are on you, so you always have to be on your toes,” he shared.

Still his passion for music will always prevail no matter what the odds are.

“I just want to be known as a guy who puts up good performances. Someone who’s passionate about what he does and basically, just a cool laidback guy,” Park said.

For those who want to follow his footsteps and carve a career in the music industry, Park had this advice to offer: “Go for it if you have the passion for it. Work hard, be consistent and in the end, your efforts will pay off.”

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