Marco Mañalac ready for Equus

Marco with Pheona Barranda

MANILA, Philippines - MYX VJ search finalist Marco Mañalac prepared well for his role as Alan Strang in Repertory Philippines’ production of Equus. This is his first time to appear in a professional play. He admits, “I am a bit anxious, but I am very excited to step on the shoes of Alan. I assure everyone that I will give everything I have to give justice to the role.” Equus is the controversial play that Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe topbilled in Broadway, where he had to strip. Equus opens July 9 and will run until July 25 at the Onstage, Greenbelt 1. Playgoers who will watch the July 25, 8 p.m. show will have the chance to party with Marco and other cast members.

For details, call 0917-5420015.

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