
Cebu News

Sinulog street parties still in limbo

Iris Hazel Mascardo - The Freeman
Sinulog street parties still in limbo
Colorful buntings hang over the pilgrim center of the Basilica Minore del Sto. Niño in Cebu City in time for the Fiesta Señor.
Aldo Banaynal

CEBU, Philippines — Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama has not decided yet if street parties are allowed during the Sinulog because for him, the occasion should be celebrated “spiritually” and in true fun.

In the past, street parties led to drunkenness and violent behavior of intoxicated revelers, which prompted the City to ban the activity during the Sinulog.

"Kanang moingon ka og street parties, I have not given any go signal to that," he said.

"Sige mag-street party ta, way bino, way inom, that's one," he added.

The mayor said that since street parties are not possible without the presence of alcoholic beverages, then there would be no allowing of such activity if that is the case.

“Let's enjoy Sinulog spiritually, socially, ‘nya have fun (without liquor)," Rama said.

He also said maximum tolerance would be enforced, but abusive behavior towards authorities would lead to arrests.

Meanwhile, in a text message, City Councilor Philip Zafra, City Council committee on public order chairman, said street parties may be allowed if permits are obtained, with the assurance that security measure are in place.

“They need to secure all the necessary permits, including the submission of their security (plan), as well as their public safety and order plan, to the Office of the Mayor,” he said.

“This is necessary so that there will be proper coordination between the event organizers and the authorities, especially on matters of deployment of security details, so much so that it is expected that there will be more events that will be organized leading to the Fiesta Señor,” he added.

The councilor said there will be “laws and regulations” that must be adhered to since they cannot discount the possibility that there would be alcoholic beverages since it is a party, after all.

“As I understand it, dili intention sa mayor ang pagtugot outright,” he said.

He warned that if vendors without permits are caught dispensing liquors, they face confiscation of their products. — /RHM (FREEMAN)

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