Impeachment plaint vs. Corona is flawed

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu First district Rep Eduardo Gullas described the impeachment complaint against Chief Justice Renato Corona as “flawed” and that he fears the defense may ask the court to dismiss it.

“What I’m afraid of is that Former Justice (Serafin) Cuevas may file motion to dismiss because it is a flawed complaint now, it’s no longer the complaint of the House (of Representatives),” said Gullas.

Gullas said that when the prosecution panel this week decided to scrap Articles 1, 3, 4, 5, and 8 from the complaint, they decided on their own.

“With the abandonment of the five articles, it is done by prosecutorial team only,” he said. Gullas said that prosecution may have the permission of the House Speaker and the majority of the members, they should also remember that “the Speaker and all the majority are not the House of Representatives.”

And now that the prosecution has decided to scrap those five articles, Gullas said that the impeachment complaint should be returned to the House for amendment.

“The impeachment complaint must be cleared by the House Justice committee, then it goes to the plenary. But it never came because more than two-thirds voted for it,” the veteran legislator said, adding that to scrap five of the eight is “an amendment”.

When asked about the progress of the impeachment trial, Sen. Manny Villar, who was invited to Cebu to speak during the Leadership Lecture Series hosted by the University of the Visayas, said it is too early to tell considering that the defense has yet to present its evidence.

“Right now, prosecution pa lang. Napakahalaga na hintayin natin ang defense,” said Villar, who sits as one of the senator-judges in the ongoing impeachment trial. 

Meanwhile, the Integrated Bar of the Philippines Cebu City Chapter is set to pass a resolution condemning senator-judge Miriam Defensor-Santiago for her actions in berating one of the members of the prosecution.

Chapter President Earl Bonachita told the media he consulted the board and they came out with an official stand against the act.

“The actuations of Santiago in using intemperate language was not good, there were numerous Supreme Court decisions that majesty cannot insult and take away the respect towards the lawyer,” he said.

Bonachita said the act of prosecution lawyer Vitaliano Aguirre in covering his ears was because he could not take the shrill voice of Santiago.

“Santiago should not insult and use intemperate language towards Aguirre because of covering his ears,” he said.

Bonachita said they will furnish presiding judge Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, Santiago and Aguirre a copy of the resolution.

Meanwhile, the president of IBP Cebu Province Chapter Ferdinand Pepito said their chapter has no stand yet on the actions of Santiago.

 “We will tackle the issue on Tuesday during our meeting,” he said.

But speaking for himself, Pepito said both parties are at fault.

Aguirre already asked for an apology from Santiago for covering his ears but admits he has no regrets.

He added it was not part of normal court procedure that a judge lectures lawyers at the opening of a trial.  (FREEMAN)

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