Guard's lawyer wants raps dismissed at prosecutor's level

CEBU, Philippines - The counsel of Joselyndo Jabagat, the security guard suspected of being responsible for the disappearance of P1.6 million from the office of the Sinulog Foundation Inc., wants the complaint against her client dismissed at the prosecutor’s level.

Veteran lawyer Gloria Lastimosa-Dalawampu told reporters yesterday they are set to file Jabagat’s counter-affidavit within the week. The qualified theft complaint against Jabagat is being handled by Prosecutor Gandhi Truya. 

“We aim for the dismissal of the complaint while it’s still in the prosecutor’s level,” Dalawampu said.

One key item the defense will point out in the counter-affidavit is the alleged inconsistencies in the statements of the witnesses particularly on who truly held the key to the vault where the money was kept.

Dalawampu said her client had no knowledge of the P1.6 million that was reportedly kept inside the vault at the Sinulog Foundation office at the Cebu City Sports Center. She also said Jabagat did not hold a key to the vault.

Dalawampu said she is representing Jabagat pro bono after the security guard’s family approached her last week.

Earlier, Jabagat said he was taking a nap when the burglary happened. This was contrary to the statement of Manuel Quemada, 32, a utility crew of the Sinulog Foundation who said that Jabagat was drinking with him and several other utility crew members at that time.

Quemada said on January 15, 2012, he and his co-employees were retrieving tables and chairs from the command center and brought the same to the warehouse at the Cebu City Sports Complex.

After they finished their tasks, they reportedly decided to drink and Jabagat joined them.

While drinking, he noticed a man enter the Administration Office of the Cebu City Sports Center and informed Jabagat but Jabagat allegedly ignored it. – (FREEMAN)

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