
Cebu News

2 trisikad drivers, another man shot

- Niña G. Sumacot /Mellanie C. Rosales -

CEBU, Philippines - A trisikad driver was gunned down by an unidentified gunman in Jakosalem St., Barangay Sto. Niño at past 2 o’clock in the afternoon yesterday.

 The victim, who was about 30 years old and was so far only been identified as “Cholo,” was a resident of Sitio Lutaw-Lutaw, Barangay Labangon.

He died of a lone gunshot wound to his head.

PO2 Cristobal Geronimo of the Homicide Section said the victim was sitting at the sidewalk near the entrance of Gate 1 of the South Road Properties when the gunman suddenly appeared and shot him.

The victim was hit at the back of his head. The bullet exited through his left ear.

Raffy Daleg, a City Hall employee and neighbor of the victim, identified the fatality but only knew of his first name.

The victim was then waiting for Daleg, who would ride on his trisikad, when the shooting happened.

Geronimo said many witnessed the incident but nobody would come out yesterday to say who the gunman was.

 The gunman fled on foot right after shooting the victim.

Geronimo said they have yet to check the background of the victim so they can determine the motive behind the shooting.

The victim died on the area where he was shot.

 The police authorities recovered an empty shell of caliber .45 from the crime scene.

The cadaver was taken to the San Fernando Funeral Homes for autopsy.

 In a separate incident yesterday, a trisikad driver is now in critical condition after he was shot by his neighbor in Sitio San Antonio, Barangay Guinsay, Danao City yesterday morning.

Veronica Juevesano Tano, 25 was shot by his neighbor one Roneil Alerta with the use of unknown caliber of firearms.

Investigation revealed that at around 10:40 a.m. yesterday, Tano was driving his trisikad in their barangay looking for passenger.

He decided to take a break and disembarked to his trisikad. But Alerta appeared with another unidentified man as his companion and with unknown reason shot Tano.

Police suspected that the two men were already following Tano early that day. And upon seeing a chance, Alerta immediately fired at Tano.

Tano sustained gunshot wound on his nape and was rushed to the Danao District Hospital. But due to the severity of his wound, he was transferred to Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center (VSMMC) in Cebu City for further medical treatment.

Suspects immediately fled right after the incident.

Police are still conducting follow-up investigation to identify the motive of the said shooting and for the possible arrest of the said suspect and his companion.

Meanwhile, another man was also shot in Carcar City particularly at Sitio Albor, Barangay Liburon Friday dawn.

Rogelio Manayaga, 48 was asleep in his house when the incident happened. He was shot by still unidentified person using unknown caliber of firearms. He sustained gunshot wound on his right thigh.

Police said that while Manayaga was sleeping, the perpetrator went under the floor of the house of the victim which is made of bamboo and estimated to be two meters above the ground. The suspect then fired at the victim and fled right after the incident.

Victim was immediately brought to the Carcar District Hospital.

Police are still clueless as to what might be the motive of the shooting.   (FREEMAN NEWS)

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