American citizens exchange punches

Two American nationals got into a fistfight last Thursday night in barangay Poblacion 3, Carcar City.

Sam Watkins, 63, a resident of sitio Tawag, barangay Valladolid, punched Bobby Fowler, 70, divorced, a resident of Palm Pension House in Poblacion I.

It was reported that Fowler and some of his friends were having a drink inside the El Rancho Restaurant owned by Watkins.

As conversation went on, Fowler reportedly boasted to his friends that he already had relationships with all of the women working in Watkins’ restaurant. Watkins, who was also drinking with the group, cautioned Fowler “not to overdo his stories to avoid misunderstanding and trouble.”

But Fowler, who allegedly already had a drink too many, continued on with his stories which led to a heated altercation between the two.

Watkins punched Fowler who ended up with a broken nose and was injured in the left arm and other parts of his body.  Fowler threw his own punches but Watkins only sustained minor injuries.

Police and barangay tanods responded after learning of the commotion. Fowler was then taken to the Carcar City District Hospital. The police are now studying the possible charges to be filed against the two.  Garry B. Lao/MEEV

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