Show off that Mona Lisa Smile

CEBU, Philippines - We've heard it all, those catchy songs about how the love of your life's smile could fix everything. We've even compared it to the sun, the moon and the stars. Who would have thought an endless flow of adoring poetry can be based on this facial expression?

But how valuable is one's smile, really?

According to, a smile means to raise the corners of the mouth in an expression of amusement, pleasure, or approval. Aside from its most literal meaning, a smile can mean a lot of things. And in recent studies, smiling has been proven to have a strong connection with your mind and body.

The Infectious Expression

Based on of British Dental Health Foundation's study, smiling increases happiness both in yourself and those around you. It is a wonderful way to show others that you are in a good mood. People who smile have a positive effect to others and would likely receive more social support. This is essential in the sense of belongingness, which is important in healthy human development.

The truth is that the more you smile, the more others will too.

The Stress Reducer

Major-General Charles Gordy once said, "A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks." Stress often shows up on the skin. Lines, stubbles and other skin problems are usually caused by it. Smiling helps to put a stop to looking exhausted and worn out by using certain facial muscles. It may also aid to reduce symptoms associated with anxiety brought by muscle tension and mental stress, keeping your brain alert. It shifts your mood helping you to be in control of any stressful circumstances.

It's your very own natural facelift. It's the one priceless thing you need to enhance your look.

The Natural Drug

One reason to smile is to celebrate your health, but smiling itself is a ticket to better health through the release of neurotransmitters like endorphins or also known as the body's natural pain killer.

Numerous medical and psychological studies have found that through the triggering of certain hormones. Also, smiling leads to lower blood pressure and steady breathing. It helps a great deal to make one's immune system function better. 

The Confidence Booster

"One smile can make a difference. Project an image of confidence in the way you look and smile and people will think you are confident," says motivational speaker Rachel Green.

Plus, confident people are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Nothing helps you exude more confidence than a nice curve on your lips. It's a natural attraction factor that draws people in.

So the next time you're feeling down and out, remember to smile! After all, it's the most accessible accessory.

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