American Idol's Steven Tyler cancels concert after losing teeth in shower fall

CEBU, Philippines - American Idol favourite Steven Tyler was hospitalized today after reportedly losing two teeth in a serious fall in his shower.

The 63-year-old is staying at the Bourbon Hotel in Asuncion, Paraguay, where he was due to perform a concert tonight with his band, Aerosmith.

A spokesperson for concert organizers downplayed the incident.

Nicolas Garzia, whose firm organized the Paraguay gig, suggested that the fall was due to a bout of food poisoning that caused Tyler to be disorientated and dehydrated.

The rocker has vowed to perform the concert tomorrow, obviously keen not to repeat the events of two years ago when a broken shoulder forced the band to scrap a North American tour, after he fell off stage in South Dakota.

Tyler received stitches and had emergency dental work done during a nearly four-hour stay at the La Costa medical center in Paraguay's capital, according to a hospital statement.

According to eyewitnesses, he was in good condition when discharged.

The frontman suffered cuts to his face and lost two of his teeth after falling in his hotel bathroom, ABC reported.

Aerosmith are currently touring Latin America.

'Mr. Tyler had a small accident that prevents him from staging the concert tonight,' Marcelo Antunez, a spokesman for the local concert organizers, told reporters.

'He is fine, he's in his hotel but he's not able to do the concert,'Antunez said, adding the show would be postponed until Wednesday.

Nicolas Garzia, whose firm organized the Paraguay gig, suggested that Tyler had been dehydrated and was suffering gastrointestinal problems.

Gustavo Perez, a bellboy at the Bourbon hotel near Asuncion, told local radio that Tyler slipped when he was taking a shower and 'had a nasty fall.'

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