Definitely hooked on GOT

I've got it bad for Game of Thrones, the television series. When I think of Fridays, I think, "Now, I can finally watch the next episode!" I'm one week behind the programming, but I don't mind, because while there's only one episode left to the season, I still have two to catch. Talk about dreading withdrawal symptoms!

My family and I, all TV addicts to some extent, play this connecting game. When we see someone that looks familiar on a TV show, we try to place where we'd seen the person before. This, of course, doesn't apply to big name stars. I mean, everbody knows Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

If you can remember a recent column piece I wrote connecting Mark Harmon to the hospital drama St. Elsewhere, that's exactly what I mean.

Last weekend, I tried to introduce my mother, my brother, and my brother's girlfriend to Game of Thrones. My brother asked me, "Who's in it?"

I said, "Well, Sean Bean stars in it. You'll remember him as Boromir in The Lord of the Rings."

My brother replied, "Was he on 300 too?"

I wasn't sure, but I've looked it up and the answer is no. Many people think he is, but he was in Troy, as Odysseus.

My brother also asked, "So is he going to die again?"

I didn't know, but now I do and I'm not telling!

When my mother first saw Queen Cersei Lannister, she asked, "Who's that girl again?"

Lena Headey would look familiar to my mother, since she watched Fox's Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Lena played the title role until the show was cancelled in 2009. And if Sean wasn't in 300, Lena was—as the King Leonidas' wife, Queen Gorgo.

My favorite character, though, is Khal Drogo of the Dothraki race. Having missed his stint in Baywatch, I first saw Jason Momoa in this prime-time soap that I followed, North Shore. That soap, if I remember correctly, met an abrupt and explosive (and I mean that literally) end. I was extremely disappointed, but, now that I think about it, at least I had closure.

I'd always wondered what happened to the soap's stars. I've since found out that a number of them have moved on to different television shows. I was happy to see James Remar playing Dexter Morgan's adoptive father in flashbacks, Amanda Righetti as a cop in The Mentalist, and now, Jason Momoa, though virtually unrecognizable, in Game of Thrones as Khal Drogo.

Which is not to say Jason was waiting idly for the role to come. He (and his dreadlocks) was also in the hit show Stargate Atlantis. This August, we will see him on widescreen as Conan the Barbarian.

This weekend, however, I'm looking forward to another glimpse of him as a Dothraki khal, an undefeated warrior who is given to long, proud declamations whenever his anger is stirred. Unfortunately, I hear his stay on the series is short-lived—though his legacy will be even more powerful.

If you haven't gotten into the Game of Thrones bandwagon yet, do yourself a favor and get!

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