"Twilight" star Stewart sorry for rape remarks

CEBU, Philippines - The Twilight Saga star Kristen Stewart has apologized for comments she made on Britain’s ELLE Magazine that offended many people and left some rape crises groups outraged.

Stewart compared being photographed and seeing paparazzi pictures of herself to being raped. “The photos are so … I feel like I’m looking at someone being raped. A lot of the time I can’t handle it. I never expected that this would be my life.” She said.

But now, the actress feels regretful over those remarks and has publicly apologized for having said them. Stewart feels torn apart and said she would never be insensitive about a subject she feels so strongly about.

“I really made an enormous mistake – clearly and obviously, and I’m really sorry about my choice of words.” Stewart told People Magazine. “I’ve made stupid remarks before, and I’ve always reasoned: ‘Whatever. They can think what they want.’ Violated definitely would have been a better way of expressing the thought.”

The Twilight actress has done public announcements for advocacy group RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) and also for SOC (Security on Campus, Inc.). A spokesperson for RAINN has issued a statement appreciating Stewart’s sincere apology and they look forward to working with her “to raise awareness and ensure that all victims are connected with the care they deserve through the National Sexual Assault Hotlines.”

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