HBO, Sky Cable hold advance screening party at Yo! Latino

A closer look at the world of showbiz is what Home Box Office (HBO) Asia, in cooperation with Sky Cable, wants to propound when they recently held an exclusive advance screening party for HBO's comedy series, "Entourage," at Yo! Latino, Salinas Drive, Lahug, Cebu City.

The said party was a loyalty event exclusively attended by the loyal subscribers of HBO and Sky Cable as well as media guests, wherein they got a chance to watch in advance two back-to-back episodes of "Entourage."

"Entourage is an HBO original production and now, we are bringing two seasons of this show in the Philippines. Season one and two altogether," said Neo Yen Nee, Affiliate Marketing Executive of HBO Asia.

Executive produced by Mark Wahlberg, "Entourage" is a story about friends living the high life in Hollywood. The main character is a hot young movie star named Vince Chase (Adrian Grenier) who after making it big in one movie, brought along his entourage of two friends, Eric and Turtle, plus half-brother, Drama, from their hometown in Queens, NY, to glittering world of Hollywood.

Eric (Kevin Connolly) becomes the fast-talking manager of Vince, who'd do anything just to find projects for Vince. On the other hand, Turtle (Jerry Ferrara) is the freeloader of the group, enjoying the excesses of his friend's celeb lifestyle. Drama (Kevin Dillon) is an aspiring actor relegated to the background with his half-brother's star status.

This HBO comedy series, "Entourage" premiered on Cebu shores July 30, 2006 over Sky Cable Channel 29. Two episodes back-to-back will be shown every Tuesday night. Season one is comprised of eight episodes while season two has 12. And this interesting and enjoyable show is expected to run till October.

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