Mobile communication status to alter advertising landscape

CEBU, Philippines - The popularity of mobile communication will bring another dimension in the advertising industry, with the mobile set to change the landscape of the Philippines’ traditional advertising platform.

According to Globe Telecom president and chief executive officer (CEO) Ernest Cu there is a huge potential the mobile industry will be able to take a greater share in the advertising sector as an effective medium for brands to reach target audiences.

In a statement, Cu said that the mobile phone has clearly taken great prominence in the human value chain.

In the Philippines, nine out of 10 people own mobile phones, putting mobile phone penetration at its highest peak compared to any other form of medium such as television.

“Indeed, mobile is the way to go to connect with today’s consumers, as well as to create rich consumer experience that goes beyond traditional marketing,” he said.

The use of mobile as a channel to communicate with a target market pushes brand activation to the limits of a consumer’s imagination, citing augmented reality as an effective platform to bring advertising campaigns to life.

Cu also said that mobile advertising opens creative corridors for dynamic and more compelling content, capitalizing on strong visual stimulation to entice consumers further.

Likewise, Cu hyped the interactivity that mobile encourages, allowing consumers to instantly send feedback, making the retail experience more relevant and meaningful.

 â€œMobile technology has definitely changed the way brands talk to their consumers. Because it’s so personal and powerful, it enables the unique efficiency of reaching out to very precise target markets with mobile advertising-driven campaigns hinging on the capability to profile customers and touch them directly,” Cu added.

In 2010, Globe partnered with Out There Media in launching its own mobile advertising platform My Rewards, My Globe Plus, now with over 2 million opt-in subscribers. Top consumer brands such as McDonald’s, Clear and Sunsilk have effectively used the platform to engage and establish affinity with their target consumers.

Taking the track of extensively profiling the customer, Globe is embarking on a massive USD90M IT and systems transformation that will monitor demographics, usage, product subscriptions, transactions, bill payment and behavior of its subscribers. “As soon as we see that a customer has the propensity to top up load, to roam, or to subscribe to a promo on any given day, we can push the relevant service in an instant, to the right customer, at the right time,” Cu shared. (FREEMAN)

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