Another collection problem

I received another email from a debtor who has a problem with a particular telecommunication/ internet service provider company. The email sender is asking for advice on a collection letter he received. Let me share with you the content of the email (portion of which were edited to protect identities), his email reads:

“Good day Mr. Ed Limtingco! I happened to read your articles on The FREEMAN online regarding collection agencies when I am searching for suggestions/advices on what should I do with my problem with an internet service provider. Last year, I think the month of August, I applied for a DSL plan XXXX (name of DSL company). The connection was okay even when I get used to intermittent connection. I am paying the amount due regularly for 3 months until such time in December. One day, I cannot access the net because the phone did not have a dial tone. I logged a help desk ticket online, and followed up the ticket thrice. The information I got was that my connection problem was caused by a stolen cable. I called my internet service provider in XXXXX, Bulacan using the contact number they provided when I initially applied for the service. Since I cannot contact the number, I went directly to their office on a Saturday. They said they will inform their field workers to fix the problem immediately. I waited for weeks and up to January 2011 and still got no service. This is when I decided not to pay my succeeding bills because why should I pay for a service I am not receiving? I think my fault here is I should have immediately applied for disconnection. Now, I am given I final notice to pay an outstanding balance of 3600 pesos plus 30% interest. If I will not pay the amount, then I will be endorsed to their lawyer and that I will pay for future litigation/lawyer fees. I am disputing the amount because I believed I should not be charged that amount and in reality, I was not able to utilize the service from December onwards. Since I am unfamiliar with existing laws, I would like to seek your assistance on what steps should I undertake to help resolve this problem. Thank you very much.”

This particular scenario is very common to every consumers, be it a cable service, cellular bills or credit card charges. A lot of times, we tend to immediate decide not to pay a bill because we feel it is unfair or simply ‘out of principle.” Believe me when I tell you – even if you feel or sure you are correct, but not paying a particular bill, because you are not satisfied with their service is not always a good move to do. There is such a thing as terms and conditions -mostly written in small letters, at the back of the contract you signed. Meaning, there is such a contract or agreement every consumer signed when availing of a particular service, even for a promo. Once signed, it now becomes a legal contract or a binding obligation for parties involved.

Since I am not a lawyer, I would not attempt to give you specific advice on this particular case. But let me give you some wisdom on how to deal with this problem of yours. Next week, I will be sharing with you some simple steps you could do so as to be able to determine your next move. (to be continued).

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