Planning the holiday trip

I know…I know…it is only October.  December is a long way off…or, is it? How many Christmas family reunions have I forgotten to put together ahead of time, only to scramble around making reservations at the last minute? I will not even try to count!

Families make Christmas the highlight of reunions. We are a Christian country and our faith is at the heart of our existence. Some of us may go through the paces and hardly put our minds to the significance of the rituals; others among us may altogether put mundane considerations as priorities; still, some mark Christmas with its essential sanctity.

First, children must be the focus of the Christmas celebration.  Where and how to spend Christmas must consider the convenience, the wonder factor and the wishes of the children in the family. Why must adults insist on a mountain resort hideaway, if the children shriek at the mere mention of a beach? Is it obligatory to get together for laughs and booze with colleagues and friends, in a hotel party or at home, sweeping the children “under the rug” to be attended to the day after? Childhood memory is far-reaching and oh, so fragile and precious.

Second, update and attend to that gift list. It is always good to do your Christmas shopping throughout the year. There should be a shelf or drawer in your bedroom for items ready to be wrapped for people in your Christmas list. Sales occur regularly, while trade fairs and special exhibits are occasions for gift hunting.  With that done, you can plan for the more important thing of planning the holiday get-away.

Third, be on the look out for special offers by hotels, resorts, and airline companies.  Even by travel agencies. The earlier you book, the better the deal you will get.  Especially if you want a trip abroad, planning is the key to a successful get-away.  Remember that December is high travel season.

Fourth, when every detail has been put down pat, learn to enjoy the reunion with your loved ones. Indulge. Immerse. Laugh. Love. Savor the meals together. Be silly with the little ones.  Live for the moment…it will last a lifetime.

Wherever you will be, the Christmas Mass must be the highlight of the reunion. Praying together will strengthen the bonds like no other. Enjoy the holidays as you should, with your loved ones, with the little ones.

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