Cyber group of Tarlaqueños now registered with US IRS

TARLAC CITY – The online global network of Tarlaqueños was recently registered with the US Internal Revenue Service and provided with an employer’s identification number (EIN).

It was Paul Lozano, who is now living in Maryland, who registered the Tarlaqueños Worldwide Group (TWWG) with the IRS. He is one of the organization’s two chairmen; the other is businessman Dan Asiaten, who owns the Asiaten Hotel here.

The TWWG was set up early this year right in cyberspace as a way of communication among Tarlaqueños via electronic mail (e-mail).

Prior to the TWWG, Tarlaqueños in the country and elsewhere in the world merely exchanged pleasantries on the Internet through the e-mail subscription service, Tarlaqueños e-Group, formed by New Jersey-based Andy Zapata, founder of

As TWWG’s international organizational structure now continues to take shape, its electronically elected officers are preparing for a grand gathering dubbed "Balik Tarlac, Balik Saya: Mikit-ikit 2004" here on Jan. 15 next year.

The TWWG’s coordinators are Nick Agravio, based in Brunei; Cesar Bautista, Japan, for the Pacific; Kitz Cao, London; Peter Cura, New Zealand; Flery Decker, Oregon; Jameel del Rosario, Middle East; Norman Galiza, England; Teena Jensen, Utah; Chris Lagman, New York; Dr. Rowena Tabamo, Connecticut; Edwin Villa, Southern California; and Zapata, for the US East Coast.

Elenear de Ocampo was appointed as coordinator for Tarlac, and Rommel Mangiliman and Rhod Payad for Bamban and Angeles City, respectively.

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