Killer work ethic

No wonder this guy is so successful because he (she) had a “killer work ethic.” Have you ever heard people saying this? They look, admire and respect people who consistently perform and conclude that they have a “killer work ethic.”

But what is a “killer work ethic?” What is their secret sauce? If they continue to perform and predictably churn out results and top-notch performance because of their “killer work ethics,” does this make them “serial killer ethics” people? The answer is perhaps. The secret sauce here is that there is no secret sauce. Some principles and habits are so fundamental that sticking to them makes up for good work ethics.

Having the opportunity to train leaders of different generations through the years, I have observed that these work ethics stand the test of time. They are ageless and timeless.

The pandemic has also affected our perception of work ethics. During the pre-COVID days, most organizations’ leadership focused on visibility and the ability of the “high-potential” people to climb the corporate ladder’s rungs to get promoted. The drive to succeed for many was there. Over the years, I have had HR head requesting talks and training on challenging people to shoot for career advancement. There is a shift in career ambition and promotion such that additional help and intervention are needed to encourage many that this is a worthy pursuit.

The lockdown has undoubtedly affected the once accepted norms for success and achievement. Whether people go back to their offices, work from home, or a little bit of both, which is now popularly termed “hybrid,” the same work ethics remain. If you exhibit these consistently, you certainly have what people call a “killer work ethic” that leads you to success opportunities.

1. You are reliable and dependable.

This attribute is foundational. You are predictable in a positive way. You do what you say, and you say what you do. You have discernment. You know how to evaluate priorities, and you understand the scope and impact of what you do and what is needed to be done. People with work ethics are repeat offenders when it comes to dependability. They make promises and do not get around to fulfilling them.

2. You show initiative and make things happen.

You are time-conscious, and you want to make things happen. Therefore, you do not wait to be told what to do but are motivated to take the initiative for action and even help lead others in moving forward. Many do the opposite. They will stick to complying with what is required and expected from them, and anything beyond this, they look with disdain and reason that they deserve extra compensation as what they do is not in their “job description.”

3. You value personal growth and development.

You read books, attend seminars, or master classes, be they company-sponsored or not. While others are obsessed with gaming and online entertainment, you love to learn new things because you know you can use the latest information to create a positive outcome, increase the quality of your craft and help your company grow.

4. You do not spend time; you invest time.

You make your time count. The internal slogan that helps you make the most use of your time is “NO WASTED MOMENT.” You may have this internal radar that starts to operate the moment you wake up that ask: “Now, how can I make today productive, and what should I do to make it so?”

5. You go through the day with a positive mindset.

You are full of hope, and that positive energy resonates and affects others. You understand that every day carries challenges. But you focus on solutions rather than problems, and most importantly, you make sure that you are not contributing to the problem.

Because you consistently display all the attributes and attitudes listed, the natural outcome is that you will positively impact the people around you and brighten up your environment.

Guess what happens? Opportunities begin to open up. Success is now achievable and sustainable. And people around you over time will say, “This person surely has “killer work ethics.” And this is how it really works.



(Francis Kong runs his highly acclaimed Level Up Leadership 2.0 Master Class Online this July 5-7. For inquiries and reservations, contact April at +63928-559-1798 or and for more information, visit

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