Weinstein Pianos set to reclaim dominance

MANILA, Philippines - Weinstein Pianos, the pioneering piano maker in the country is flexing its corporate muscles in a bid to reclaim its dominant market position following its sluggish performance as a result of the fiscal restraints and economic recession in 20005.

Anthony E. Weinstein, entrepreneur and top honcho of Weinstein Pianos Inc., in an interview, expressed optimism for the resurgence of piano music interest (and subsequent demands for pianos) as part of a ‘cyclical phenomenon’ that governs human behaviour to ‘hark back’ to tradition in the midst of the ‘modern’ in contemporary times.

Established in 1916, Weinstein Pianos was a household name and an omnipresent feature in affluent and the upper-and-middle-class Filipino homes in pre- and notably post-war Philippines. It was the name that sparked up the culturati and glitterati social functions of that era.

The year just ended posted a remarkable increase in sales of Weinstein Pianos, notably from the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) whose elders, it was revealed, had the 1einstein Piano as the ‘dream’ piano for their family, a consciousness that was obviously passed on to their OFW sons and daughters.

Determined to regain its glory days, Weinstein Pianos aims to set up more branches in the Metro Manila area.


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