Nova Souley S. Auxtero

Age: 20

Address: Sta Lucia Kasambagan

Course/Occupation: BSN

Pageant tittles/Awards: none

Celebrity crush: Zayn Malik

First kiss: Kiss of appreciation.. my mother

First love: Considering I haven’t been into a serious committed relationship yet. I just call it a puppy love...

Favorite food: Salmon Sashimi and ramen

Dream destination: For local,it's Siargao and Palawan.

Foreign: Paris France

Motto:  “Success is not final.Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.”

Banat News Hugyaw (BNH):  Unsay imong nakat-on karon nga adunay Covid pandemic?

Soul: Though this pandemic may negatively affect millions of lives, para nako,it still has its pros. It gave people more time for  nstrospection and for all the things they were not able to do before this pandemic. One of my biggest realization mao nga the value of saving for an emergency. As a young teenager,its not my hobby to save jud like I was living the life of yolo. Palit diri palit ddto,but during this pandemic,I realized that there’s much more important than my wants pa diay. I bought some stuffs that I wasn’t  able to use. So waste of money ra jud sha. It is so important to save for emergency purposes kay we really don't know what will happen in the future. My only hope is that this becomes an eye-opener for those who took saving for granted.

BNH: Kun makalupad ka, asa ka moadto nimo ang ug ngano man?

Nova: I will go first to France,Paris my dream city. And will fly above the  Eiffel Tower. The most beautiful structure in the whole world.

BNH: Kun sud-an ka, unsa man ka ug ngano man?

Nova: Bangus, because most likely it’s everyone’s fave. Bangus is also a healthy dish and so am I. But you need to be extra careful nig kaon sa bangus kay dghan og bukog. Mura ra sad na'g ako,I am fragile. I need to be handled well kay sensitive kayko pagkatawo.

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