NCAA Season 88 - Letran Knights

Coach Louie Alas would be bringing back his wards for another run of his famed 40 minutes of hell basketball. Losing starting point guard Franz Dysam would be a big blow, as well as losing starting small forward VJ Espiritu. But it would be bigger if they have completely lost improving center Raymond Almazan, who thankfully settled his off-court issues just in time to rejoin his teammates. While the pressure release from Espiritu’s threes will be sorely missed, Kevin Alas is back to star yet again. His burgeoning game only makes it more anticipatory. He was faulted for being a ballhog, but last season, his dimes were at a career high and he wasn’t destroying the flow of the offense. The Knights also bring back instant double-double big man Jam Cortes along with productive and tireless back up Jojo Belorio, who would be asked to produce more to pick up the slack left by Espiritu. Do not discount sophomore sensations Kevin Racal and Mark Cruz, they are more than the helpers Kevin Alas asked for.

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