UNDP shelter project breaks ground; beneficiaries undergo skills training

ORMOC CITY, Philippines  — The United Nations Development Programme on Friday held its groundbreaking ceremony for the one-hectare resettlement housing project in this city.

Dario Cubelo, UNDP area coordinator, told The Freeman the 55 housing beneficiaries would also undergo additional training on basic leadership, organizational mechanics and dispute resolution skills.

The training is needed, considering that the beneficiaries came from different communities, said Cubelo. “The situation is unique. While they (beneficiaries) have already organized themselves into the Ormoc City Workers Association—a labor contractor— there is still a need for everyone to know their new neighbors, thus the continuing skills training.”

UNDP had conducted a series of training for the beneficiaries, such as on warehousing, bookkeeping, financial management and basic engineering.

City Mayor Edward Codilla, who graced the groundbreaking rites, expressed his satisfaction for UNDP saying that his administration’s zero informal settlers program has been on track with UNDP’s resettlement project.

Codilla also told beneficiaries to avoid breaking Ormoc’s resettlement policy and existing laws. He also assured them the city government will assist in the transition process and further development of the site.

“It is better for you to celebrate fiesta as a community. San Lorenzo Ruiz is a fitting choice for a patron saint because he’s a Filipino and this activity today coincides with the feast month of the saint,” said the mayor.

The city government has provided the lot for the UNDP resettlement housing projects.  (FREEMAN)

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