2,000 Negrenses denounce PDAF

BACOLOD City, Philippines - More than 2,000 people in Negros Occidental join the rest of Filipinos in staging a nationwide "Million People March" yesterday calling for the abolition of the pork barrel, as well as immediate investigation, prosecution, conviction and punishment of all those who misused and abused the funds.

The protesters signed a manifesto urging the swift prosecution of lawmakers and their accomplices in the plunder of public funds. The protest-march in this city started at 8 a.m. in various parts and ended at the Capitol where a program was held.

Negrense Kontra Korapsyon (NKK) convenor Raymund Javellana, also president of the Alliance of Negrense Tourism Stakeholders, said: "We should now demand for transparency and accountability in the allocation and use of these funds to various projects of different agencies, such as the departments of Health, Education, Public Works and Highways, Tourism, etc., and create a body to monitor these closely."

He added: "Mr. President, our desire for good governance continues and our resolve for accountability and transparency stronger. We remain vigilant."

The NKK manifesto posted on its Facebook page stated: "We are enraged by how some of our legislators/public officials and line agency heads, in connivance with unscrupulous NGOs and their accomplices, have perpetuated systematic plunder and deliberate abuse of the PDAF through the years. We, concerned Negrosanons, join Filipinos all over the world in strongly condemning the evils of the pork barrel system and in calling for its immediate abolition."

The NKK also called for the immediate passage of the Freedom of Information bill to show the real meaning of the Matuwid Na Daan (Straight Path) where even well informed ordinary citizens can serve as vanguards of good government. "As the ultimate 'boss,' we call on our public servants to serve and fulfill their mandate," it added.

The Peace Advocates Negros (PAN), another group in the rally, in a statement titled Thou Shalt Not Steal!, said: "We Negrense taxpayers from all walks of life are asserting our right to benefit from the basic services that we deserve from the taxes that we pay."

PAN said the government has failed to safeguard the public due to corruption in the pork barrel system. "We, the taxpayers, are always told to be patient because the government lacks funds. Now we know why -- our money, in billions of pesos worth, have been siphoned off to the pockets of corrupt politicians and private suppliers," it said.

PAN also called for a transparent accounting of all spent pork barrel and the investigation and punishment of all the guilty parties in the abuse of its use. "Everyone must be held accountable," it said.

"We acknowledge President Benigno Simeon Aquino III's response to the people's mounting anger. This is a positive sign. But "Pork" is not just PDAF. Pork means all modes of public spending that has little or no accountability. This includes the billions and billions of discretionary funds in all branches of government. We will not accept any attempt to simply rename the same Pork Barrel with another one to appease the angry citizens. Thus, we the people, stand firm on the 1 Million March of Filipinos nationwide to launch a sustained campaign to fight pork until it is banished from Philippine politics," it added.

Green Alert Negros (GAN), in a separate statement, said its members are deeply saddened by the billions of people's money that just went to the pockets of politicians, contractors and notorious NGOs and wasted on non-socially productive projects and services.



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