Protests welcome PNoy’s visit in Iloilo

ILOILO CITY , Philippines   â€” The visit of President Benigno Aquino III yesterday was stormed by protests by the militant groups in this city.

Members of the militant Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (BAYAN) here raised five major concerns against the Aquino administration: unabated oil price increases, the Semirara mine collapse, the Jalaur mega-dam project in Calinog, the hyped economic growth and the matuwid na daan rhetorics. 

Reylan Vergara, spokesperson of BAYAN in Panay, said the protests greeted Aquino’s visit.

“The prices of petroleum products increased four times this February. This was hardly noticed by the public since media barrage is focused on the campaign period for national elective positions. The trend of oil prices should be going down since import costs are going down because of the strengthening peso. The Oil Deregulation Law must be scrapped,” said Vergara.

Oil companies increased pump prices last February 19. Premium gasoline prices of Pilipinas Shell, Petron, and Chevron went up by P0.95 per liter, while regular gasoline prices rose by P1.15, kerosene by P0.70, and diesel by P0.65. Another price hike of about 80 centavos for gas and 50 centavos for diesel is looming this week.

Member organizations of BAYAN also pressed for the cancellation of the environmental compliance certificate and coal mining operation permit of the Semirara Coal Mining Corporation. 

“We value more the lives of the mine workers who are the ones creating wealth for the business owners of SCMC. Worse, landslide continues and the corporation appears to worry more of their profit loss than the safety of the workers,” lamented Vergara.

BAYAN also expressed vehement opposition to the planned construction of the Jalaur mega-dam in Calinog, Iloilo.

“Large dams have been the culprit of massive flooding of communities downstream in the event of heavy rainfall, as experienced by communities in Luzon, aggravated by the fact that the big dam is located on an earthquake fault. We do not want that the people of Iloilo province will bear the brunt of this project, whose projected economic benefits is outweighed by the social costs. We will stand with the people in opposing this project,” said Vergara.

BAYAN further lambasted the much-hyped economic growth which has not been felt by ordinary Filipinos. “An increase in the number of PhilHealth beneficiaries and 4Ps does not indicate an improved economy. This is data manipulation, trying to paint a rosy picture of a stagnant economy. This is indeed PNoy’s straight path to misery. The people want to take the ‘tamang daan’, leading them to genuine economic upliftment,” added Vergara.

President Aquino was here in Iloilo to lead the symbolic ground breaking of the Jalaur River Multi-Purpose Project II.  (FREEMAN)

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