Mayor Mike Rama's tremendous challenges  

The greatest problem that the newly-assumed Cebu City Mayor Mike Rama is facing is not really how to win the elections come May 2022. That is almost a foregone conclusion. What worries many of his friends is how he will manage the transition from the team of the late mayor Edgar Labella to his own team of subalterns and underlings.

He promised not to rock the boat but he immediately changed the chief engineer, which is the city administrator. Of course, that is the right move. It was legal, correct, and called for. The mayor should have full trust and confidence in the city administrator. That position is like that of the executive secretary, or the White House chief of staff. The group of the former mayor was the same cordon sanitaire that practically isolated the group of Vice Mayor Mike in 2019. That group practically excluded Mike from their inner sanctum sanctorum. Now the tide has turned. "Weather-weather lang ‘yan," according to the inimitable Erap.

When Mike became mayor the first time, he offered that position to me. But I politely declined immediately. As his former Law professor, he still calls me “sir”. That position would reverse out situation, as he will become my superior. Small matter, really. What matters most however, is this: That position is hazardous to my health. You will be expected to make tremendous changes and generate maximum results. You will be stepping on the shoes of too many people and you will create enemies each day. City Hall is like a den of lions and tigers, each having his or her own agenda. A meek lamb will be eaten alive.

Too many occupational hazards in City Hall. Your friends will misunderstand you and your enemies will lay all sorts of traps for you to commit a major blunder that could make you end up in jail or in hospitals for a heart attack. They will make you sign dubious documents and may compel you to sign shady deals. Why should I embrace that? I enjoy my teaching in many Law schools, my lecture tours in Asia's major cities (now, via digital platforms, of course), and I find fulfillment in writing Law books and HR materials. That position, which pays a pittance, will ruin my health and destroy my serene life with my family.

Mayor Mike has a big headache. He is an honest and bright man with big dreams for the city that his grandfather, Don Vicente Rama, founded. But changing horses a few months before a major war is a very challenging task. The ones removed will attack him, giving aid and comfort to his enemies. The new replacement may not have the mind, the heart, and the conscience as pure as his own. He will be faced with bickerings, with intrigues, and intramurals. There will be intra-union and inter-union disputes.

But I also worry about Mayor Mike. He is a fine public servant, a future senator. All these troubles expected to erupt soon may distract him from his campaign and governance. His enemies may even take advantage of this waterloo. For all we know, some of the intrigues might be planted by his opponents. And so, my prayer for him is wisdom and discernment. In City Hall, you cannot easily tell who is really for you and who is against you. Mayor Mike is navigating along treacherous waters. And I am praying that the Lord will guide him in his decisions and actions. He is a good man, and I want him to win and to succeed.

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