Christmas parties 101

The party days are here again. I have some words of advice to one and all. Avoid attending too many parties. Do not overeat, or get drunk. Do not show off or overspend. It is not your obligation to give expensive gifts to each one. Give out of affection, not to bribe or to seduce. Christmas parties should be dignified and not held to deteriorate into an ostentatious display of reckless extravagance.

There should be a rule of thumb on the matter of hosting and attending Christmas parties, and that rule should be characterized by a few words; moderation or temperance, restraint or caution. Avoid too many parties, do not eat too much or drink excessively. Protect your health and your finances. Just focus on the purpose and the meaning and not on the practices, the rites, and the many ceremonies. Stay focused on the significance of the season. Do not overindulge, do not try to impress or outdo and outspend each other. Do not show off, just stay humble and cool.

Choose the really important parties to attend, the most important being the family gathering organized by the matriarch or the patriarch. There should be a day when all the married children come to the ancestral home to pay respect to the lolo and the lola, with all the apos and their close cousins and sweethearts. They should come with a tray of food or a bottle of champagne, to share and to partake together. There should be a meaningful gift to grandma and grandpa, and to the uncles and aunts, the cousins and even the maids and the drivers. But do not get drunk and cause trouble. Just stay cool and collected.

Then, attend the office party and greet the boss and the peers, the officemates and thank them for their support and cooperation. Be ready to sing or strum the guitar or join the singing of Christmas songs. Dress smartly but with decency and dignity. Follow the prescribed color or motif and be one among the company personnel. But do not stay too long. The protocol; is you must arrive before the big boss comes, and wait until he goes home before you say goodbye. You are not supposed to be late, or to go home ahead of the senior officials. Do not bring home some foods or take more than you can consume. Behave and mind your manners.

In your village or homeowners association, you should appear and bring something. You should not be a snob just because you are the wealthiest in the neighborhood, or the most ranking public official or corporate executive. In the community everybody has equal rank. Do not be haughty or rude, be down-to-earth and huddle with the neighbors and long-time friends. Participate in the song and dance contests, be a game person, never proud or snobbish. Mix with others. But always restrain your mouth in loose talks, drink, or food. Be moderate and restrained and cool. Give gifts to the village guards and maintenance personnel as well as office staff.

Christmas is a time when your true colors are shown, in your words, actions, and demeanor. Stay cool and keep smiling. It's supposed to be the happiest time of the year.

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