The real face of the power-hungry

HORs, an acronym for the House of Representatives. has the same pronunciation as the term whores. Excluding the decent and principled members of the HORs, it was easy to see the genuine stark face of shameless power-hungry politicians live on TV last June 23, 2018.


It was ugly and disgusting, to say the least. Although they had the numbers to win, they chose to insist on their power grab and disregard ratifying the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL). Why the rush? Why could they not wait till after the SONA or the day after to install their own Speaker?

That IS their trademark, their real face. Their own interests are first before anyone else, before any group, before any other Filipino. Let us clearly mark their real power-hungry faces in our minds.

They had more than the majority to oust the Speaker hours or the day after DU30’s SONA. Why did they disrespect DU30 and rob him of his 3rd SONA moment? Were they disrespectful or were they being obedient to his marching orders, transmitted to them via his daughter?

Again, why did they rush their vote to change the Speaker of the HORs? DU30 missed his historic signing of the BOL. History will note that DU30 was late for his SONA by more than an hour.

Why could they not have waited after the SONA? Why did they rush their power grabbing in the presence of the Senate, the diplomatic corps, and the viewing public? Because of their hasty action to grab power, all else had to give way to their agenda, to their own interests, to their timetable.

Let us all remember their stark hunger for power. Let us remember how their own interests, their own agenda, their own timetable superseded that of the Bangsamoros and DU30’s SONA. The HORS were unmindful of anyone else, of the rest of the Filipino people, of their Senate counterparts, of their foreign guests. They only had time and attention for themselves, their interests, their love for power.

These are the very same HORs that will ram CHACHA through CON-ASS, if they are allowed their way. These are the same people who want to stay in power for as long as they can hold on to it, even if it means resorting to shameless ways, disrespectful and disregarding authority and the Filipino people.

Their new chosen Speaker has, in her term, wanted CHACHA to be approved. This is the same person charged for election fraud, for plunder, and more. This is the same politician with strong ties, including questionable deals, with China.

Let us all remember not to forget the face of one who cannot even wait a day more to have her place as Speaker or in her agenda, to be the next leader again of this country, as Prime Minister? Remember how she stayed on in the wrong seat waiting for SONA to start?

Eventually, that afternoon, she was not the one to bang the gavel to declare the opening of the session, as HORS speaker. Was that a face-saving act, a damage control measure for public viewing, or one to divert attention away from an empty SONA?

Was her return to power that afternoon approved or not by DU30? Is DU30 really the one with power or from the start, was DU30 played by China-backed GMA and the Marcoses?

Let all the Filipinos remain vigilant and continue to reject all selfish power-hungry, power-grabbers from further emptying the national coffers and the values of truth, justice, and genuine public service from our land!

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