Two blows

The Philippines recently received two blows. First, according to the World Bank Group, the Philippines is in 113th place in its Doing Business Report 2018 list. In other words, it is difficult or not easy to do business in the country, specifically due to regulatory issues, particularly government regulations. I remember that was one of President Duterte's campaign promises, that he would make it easier to start a business in the country by making processes faster and cutting red tape. I guess it hasn't been fulfilled, judging by where we are on the list.

Secondly, the Millennium Challenge Corporation states that the Philippines rated low in fighting corruption and upholding the law. It likewise gave a low grade with regards to the ease of starting businesses, which is what the World Bank Group similarly stated, and in terms of providing general health care. The country did get good grades in other sectors, such as protection of natural resources, children's health, education for women, Freedom of Information, and political rights.

True to form, the Palace did not take the low ranking and grading well. According to the new Palace spokesperson, the MCC has based its assessment on old data, specifically the previous administration. But in what administration have there been so many extrajudicial killings and so-called "death under investigation"? How many incidents of corruption have occurred in this current administration? The smuggling of P6.4-billion worth of shabu, which was able to easily find its way out of the Bureau of Customs. The issue of the alleged extortion of Al Argosino and Michael Robles of the Bureau of Immigration. The current issue of SSS executives. While it is true that the administration has dealt with these matters, the fact is it did happen under their watch. This may be what the MCC saw.

It is probably best to accept these assessments, and do whatever is necessary to improve. Is that not the purpose of grades in school? When one gets low grades, one studies harder to improve the grades, and not rationalize, be on the defensive, or contradict the teacher, right?

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