Important reminders

May 13, election day, is fast approaching. Time for election-related reminders for all Filipinos.

To all registered voters: all Filipinos are depending on you to go out and to exercise your right to choose genuine public servants for this country. That is a big please.

You can help pave the way for honest officials to take over the corrupt and abusive. You can inspire the next generation by voting without your vote being bought, without you surrendering your right and your obligation to vote wisely and to liberate our country from the shackles of poverty, ignorance, and abuse.

You can be part of the movement that genuinely wants real change for our people, for our country. You can be one among those who will ensure that this May's election be a truly clean and honest one.

To the young whose vote will be crucial, let your vote count. Let your vote be the vote that will truly free our people from decades of insincere, deceitful self-serving politicians. Let your own votes free all Filipinos, yourselves included. Vote wisely, especially for your own future and for the sake of the future generations after you.

For overseas voters who are using the postal mode of voting, this special message from Ellene Sana of the Center for Migrant Advocacy:

“By this time, you should have received your ballot either directly from COMELEC Manila or through the embassy/ consulate covering your jurisdiction. IF you have not received it yet, please follow up with the concerned embassy/ consulate. Your options: please go to the embassy/ consulate in person -- you can be issued a new ballot and your postal ballot will be cancelled. Why do the (foreign) posts (embassy/consulate) have extra ballots? The extra ballots are meant for our seafarers and those who have failed to register in two consecutive elections. Maybe they can accommodate also those with strayed postal ballots, but it (may) be on a first come-first served basis. Pero dapat pupunta kayo sa embassy o konsulado natin. (But you need to go to the embassy/consulate). Please make sure that your accomplished ballots will be received at the embassy/consulate on the 13th of May, 7pm, Manila time, at the latest. Please note that this date is not the post-marked deadline but the actual date of receipt of the ballot! The ballots received after the May 13, 7pm Manila time deadline will not be counted anymore.”

To all our Filipino voters in the Philippines or elsewhere in the world, let your vote count, please vote, please vote and for those abroad, please have your votes received on time, and for all Filipinos, please ensure that all votes are canvassed correctly and honestly.

Let us all unite together and do our own share and make this May 13, 2013 election BE the historic start of genuine, honest election in our country. Help where you can, how you can, before, during, and after election.

If all of us come together to make this 2013 election clean and honest, let us all reap the reward of finally making a genuinely clean and honest May 13 election a reality.



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