Registration still going on for Parkmall’s charity race

CEBU, Philippines - The organizers of Parkmall's "The Green Mile:Running the distance for kids with cancer" are still accepting entries for the charity event set this Sunday at the mall's Piazza.

Close to 2,000 fitness buffs are expected to take part in the fund-raising activity for the benefit of The Freeman Foundation. Part of its proceeds will also be donated for the restoration of the belfry of the iconic Basilica del Sto. Niño that was completely damaged by the powerful earthquake that hit the region a week ago.

The Freeman Foundation has been of service to the Cebuanos for the past 25 years already through its various medical missions, back-to-school and feeding programs in remote barangays of the province. It currently holds a relief campaign for the quake victims in Bohol.

Parkmall marketing supervisor Genica I. Mijares earlier said the race is titled the "Green Mile" as green color symbolizes charity, protection, hope and growth.

"That is something we want to impart to the children of The Freeman Foundation," said Mijares, even as she also egged on the participants to "run with your legs to be fast, run with your mind to be faster, and run with your heart to be unstoppable."

A total of P75,000 in cash prize is at stake for the top performers of the race that features the 3K, 6K, 12K, and 21K categories. Medals will also be given away to all 21K finishers.

Living up to its billing as the city's first pet-friendly mall, the organizers have added a special 'one-kilometer run with your dog' category. Proceeds of which will be donated to the Island Rescue Organization (IRO), a non-government group that aims to promote humane treatment for all beings.

All the participants are also advised to run with their own superhero costume for a chance to receive exciting freebies.

Registration fee is pegged at P250 for 1K, P300 for 3K, P350 for 6K, P400 for 12K, and P450 for 21K inclusive of race bib, refreshments and finisher's medal.—EBV (FREEMAN)

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