Heat is on

This summer, the temperature has been soaring to dangerous levels thus, affecting  runners and  other outdoor athletes besides carrying the risk of getting skin cancer.  Both temperature and humidity are critical factors in hot weather running especially the ultramarathon,  where participants sometimes get to run in the hottest time of the day like 1 o'clock in the afternoon.  The effect of heat on runners must not be taken for granted as it threatens everyone who excercises, no matter how well-conditioned or fit you are. Too much fluid loss can lead to serious-related problems and may even cause death.  Here are some tips for running in the heat. 

1. Drink before you run  and before you get thirsty.

On a hot day, you may lose between  6 to 12 ounces of fluid for every 20 minutes of running. Drink at the water stops and pour water on you to cool off. 

2. Wear  breathable light-colored clothing.

Sometimes I'm amused  on some runners wearing black during an ultra run.  Choose loose and light- colored singlets that wicks off the sweat.  Wearing dark-colored attire adds to the heat.  Sunglasses and caps are a must.

3. Avoid the heat

While training, run during the early morning or late evening or just train indoors. Run in the shade as much as possible.  Hot pavement burns the feet and reflects heat upwards.

4. Adjust your pace

Start  slowly and run a steady slower pace in races.  You need to reduce your pace by as much as a minute per kilometer and make more reductions along the way.  Check your pulse frequently to see how your heart is responding to the heat.

5. Adjust your distance

In hot conditions, shorten your running distance.  If you're running a 10k reduce it to 7km or 8km.

6. Acclimatize

When the weather suddenly turns hot, slow down your pace, shorten your runs and cut your intensity by a minute or more per kilometer. That's why It's important to acclimatize especially if you're running in a different country.

7. Heat training

For ultramarathoners, you have no choice but train in hot conditions.  Give yourself about 2 weeks of progressive heat training.  A few times a week, run at the hottest time of the day but go easy.  Be prepared to walk or even drop off if necessary.  Remember  “ he who fights  and runs when the going gets rough, will live to fight another day”.

8.  Be in shape

An unconditioned runner places an extra burden on his body so does an overweight one.  Some runners believe runnning in the heat make them lose weight fast.  This is a bad idea.

9.  Warm up and cool down

Warm up is a must in starting  a workout or run.  After running in the heat, your body temperature will remain high while your blood vessels are dilated in your skin and arm and leg muscles.  Stopping suddenly may stress your heart as it continues to pump blood.  Walk slowly for 5 to 10 minutes after you arrive at the finish line and start stretching as you cool down.

10. Common Sense

If you feel overheated, dizzy or cold, stop and walk.  Get out of the sun and drink a lot of fluids.  As I mentioned earlier, there are thousands of races ahead.  It's important that you still look forward to the next one if you fail to finish a race today.  Some common disorders while training in the heat are: Heat cramps, heat exhaustions and heatstroke.


I was stunned upon hearing a news bulletin that Bogo City chief inspector Ceferino Tabay Jr. shot his daughter's boyfriend the other day. Inspector Tabay and I coordinated the traffic and security  preparations of the, Century 100km Ultramarathon held in Bogo in 2011 and the Hardcore 160km which was staged also in Bogo last year.  Reports said Inspector Tabay got mad when he saw the bloodied mouth of her daughter who was allegedly slapped by the victim.  Well, if it had happened to me, I'll also shoot anybody who harms my loved ones, but only with a water pistol.

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