Vinan sizzles in Camotes bikefest

CEBU, Philippines - Warren Vinan topped the junior-senior division of the 8th Camotes Island Cross-Country Mountainbike Challenge in San Francisco, Camotes Island the other day.

Vinan survived a tough race against the Carbonera brothers Roy and Randy, finishing with the best time of  one hour and 19 minutes and three-tenths of a second. Roy and Randy wound up second and third with the time of 1:19:24.27 and 1:19:25:59, respectively.

Amon Espinosa, on the other hand, was unstoppable in the veterans class with the time of 1:25:45.49 which was even faster than the other junior-senior entries.

Walter Cabarrubias trailed Espinosa in 1:33:40.05 as Junasis Alicaway placed third with a 1:38:02.75 clocking.

Renato Sampan lorded it over in the masters category after edging out Francisco Macayan, Fernie Agapito outpedalled Sixto Quiapo to reign supreme in the golden boys division, while Johnny Sevillejo dominated the beginner’s class.

Joseph Bonjoc grabbed part of the limelight after ruling the all-Camotes bikers division with a time of 1:54:08.90. The second to fifth placers were Marjun Vicariato (1:58:44.89), Regie Sampan (1:58:52.60), Renato Barbon (1:59:20.43), and Rene Obenza, Sr. (2:05:34.93). (FREEMAN)





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