Talisay City vets companies applying to manage landfill

CEBU, Philippines - Talisay City Council has given a November 5 deadline for companies who want to manage Talisay's landfill facility to submit their individual cost and benefits report to the council.

Earlier it was reported that there are three companies  applying to manage the Barangay Tapul Sanitary Landfill facility.

Talisay City Vice Mayor Alan Bucao said that those companies offered different proposals and priorities in managing the facility.

The first company  is focused on managing the landfill by making use of the facilities already in place.

According to Bucao, while there are three pans inside the Tapul facility, this company is offering to install waste into energy machines on the first and second pans as garbage is currently being sorted in the third pan.

Bucao said that this company had previously signed a memorandum of agreement with the former Talisay mayor Johnny Delos Reyes last 2014 for the management of the said landfill, but this MOA was never put in effect.

He said that he is now studying the said MOA to see that they would not be breaching any terms previously set.

The second company presented their proposal to the council last Oct. 25, offering to make another landfill on their own land with an area of 30 hectares located beside the existing landfill which is only 4 hectares in land area.

The company explained that it will be their first time to manage a landfill but they assured that they have technical personnel who are experts in managing this type of facility.

The third company said that they will focus on segregating garbage by reusing and recycling disposed garbage.

The cost and benefits report that the city is asking from the companies will serve as their basis to come up with a comparative study of the proposals of the three companies.

Bucao disclosed that among their concerns is if the selected company will assume operations of all garbage trucks and that it will not be allowing other local government units to dispose their garbage in Talisay.

After the council finalizes their selection, they will  be making a recommendation to Talisay City Mayor Eduardo Gullas. (FREEMAN)

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