Man kills self inside room in Lapu-Lapu

CEBU, Philippines - A 30-year-old man who was allegedly suffering from depression took his own life by hanging using an electrical wire inside his room in Purok Uno, Barangay Buaya, Lapu-Lapu City yesterday morning.

Juvy Generaulo's body was found by his brother-in-law and neighbor, Crispulo Cañete, around 7:30 in the morning, said Police Officer 2 Dan Gacoscosim of the Lapu-Lapu City Police Office-Homicide Section.

Gacoscosim said based on their investigation, Generaulo, a native of Pinamungajan town, was having problems and his mother said he reached the point of mistreating his own children.

"Na-istorya nako ang mama, mahadlok ang mga bata ni Juvy kay mang-dagmal daw," Gacoscosim said.

Generaulo's partner, Juana Ugbinada, was reportedly advised to go home to Pinamungajan, following the alleged misunderstandings in their house, said Gacoscosim.

Ugbinada and her four children went to Pinamungajan last Saturday without the knowledge of Generaulo.  When Generaulo learned that his partner and his children went away, he allegedly felt depressed.

 "Naghubog-hubog, unya nag-maoy," Gacoscosim said.

Last Sunday, Generaulo's brother-in-law still found the former asleep in the afternoon. However, after still not seeing Generaulo on Monday morning, Cañete went to check and was surprised to find the former hanging in his room.

Gacoscosim said that police recovered a mobile phone that contained messages to his partner asking for forgiveness and expressing regret over his behavior towards their children. (FREEMAN)

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