Garcia questions Gica’s connections in graft office

“No development in cases” 

CEBU, Philippines- Dumanjug Mayor Nelson Garcia has asked Deputy Ombudsman for the Visayas Paul Elmer Clemente to investigate the alleged involvement of the wife of one of their town councilors, who works in the anti-graft office, in the disposal of anti-graft cases.

Garcia alleged that they have not seen any movement in any of the cases that he filed at the anti-graft office against Vice Mayor Efren Guntrano Gica more than a year ago.

 The mayor alleged that Gica has been bragging that the wife of Councilor Joshua Dacumos works in the anti-graft office to influence the disposal of the cases. Dacumos is also reportedly Gica’s legal counsel.

 “What is intriguing, if not mystifying, is the fact that the records of the Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas will show that the Office has acted with dispatch or even alacrity on the criminal and/or administrative complaints filed by Vice Mayor Gica against me and other municipal officials of Dumanjug,” Garcia said in a letter to Clemente.

 Garcia wrote the letter to Clemente “to report and complain against the strong connection and influence” of Dacumos, an ally of Gica, because Dacumos’ wife is reportedly close to officials under the deputy ombudsman.

 Garcia has requested that he be furnished with any information on the status of the criminal complaints he filed against Gica and on the actions taken, if any.

 Garcia filed on February 2014 a criminal complaint against Gica for malversation of public property. Until now, Garcia said he has not received any information about the case, which makes him wonder whether the complaint was ever docketed.

 He also filed another complaint on August 12, 2014 against Gica and his brother, Councilor Erwin, for malversation of public funds, falsification of public documents, and for violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, complete with attached documentary evidence, but no action has been taken.

 Another complaint was filed against Gica on July 1, 2014.

 “In spite of the nature and gravity of the offenses charged, no preliminary investigation or any other proceeding has been set,” read Garcia’s letter.

 “Vice Mayor Gica had been bragging to many people in the Municipality of Dumanjug that he is untouchable in the Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas. Later, we learned that this is because of the strong connection of his lawyer, Atty. Joshua Dacumos...whose wife is working in the said office…We heard that Atty. Dacumos himself is a frequent visitor of the Office and not just for the purpose of seeing his wife,” he added.

 The cases filed against Gica was for his alleged failure to return two sets of computers after his term as councilor expired and despite demands; for authorizing his brother, a councilor, to reportedly get cash advances “for extensive drug operations” in the town although he is not a member of the peace and order council or committee and for submitting bogus liquidation reports; and for allegedly altering the total amount paid in a receipt of a Cebu City restaurant so that he could get a higher amount.

The Freeman tried to reach Vice Mayor Gica to get his side but to no avail.  (FREEMAN)


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