SRP measure votes give Rama hope for more allies

CEBU, Philippines - After four BOPK councilors gave Mayor Michael Rama the green light to sell South Road Properties lots, the chief executive now hopes for an increase in City Council allies.

“I wish (my allies) would increase. I wish that they will all be around because I know that it won’t be difficult for us to discuss,” he said.

“We don’t have to think about those who didn’t vote. If you are not that vocal, we have to respect that. But if you are making your stand but not very clear, that means you have no conviction,” he added.

In a vote of 9-7, Team Rama councilors and four from the Bando Osmeña-Pundok Kauswagan passed a resolution giving Rama the authority to “to negotiate and dispose by sale through public bidding” to interested investors and developers the 45.2 hectares of land at SRP.

However, the four BOPK councilors said they were not buying the idea of converting to any political affiliations as their consolidated objective in sponsoring the resolution was to help the city pay off its P3.2-billion amortization loan with the Japan International Cooperative Agency and to fund basic services.

Allies of BOPK who voted for the passage of the measure were Councilors Gerardo Carillo, Noel Eleuterio Wenceslao, Roberto Cabarrubias and Richard Osmeña.

Those who opposed were Eugenio Gabuya Jr., Nida Cabrera, Alvin Dizon, Alvin Arcilla, Lea Japson, Sisinio Andales and Nestor Archival Sr. while majority floor leader Margarita Osmeña was on leave.

Rama’s allies who voted for measure were David Tumulak, Marry Ann Delos Santos, James Cuenco, Nendell Hanz Abella and ex-officio member Philip Zafra, who withdrew sponsorship to the resolution together with Gabuya to pave the way for the measure’s discussion.  

 When sought for comment yesterday, Rama said he was surprised with the outcome, thanking the members of the council for giving him the right to negotiate and dispose portions of the reclaimed properties.  

He said nine councilors showed conviction in helping the city and the entire constituency, stressing that as elected officials they are bound to set aside political colors for the general welfare of the public.

As to when the city will start selling the properties, Rama said it will be as soon as possible so that the following projects could be undertaken: immediate improvement of the city’s traffic systems, drainage and water systems, infrastructure projects; funding the reconstruction of the Cebu City Medical Center; among others.

The disposal of the 45.2-hectare SRP lots could generate a conservative amount of P12 billion in proceeds and P2.5 billion in real property taxes.

The properties consist of Lot No. 8, containing a total land area of 26 hectares located near the Calungsod templete, and consolidated Lots No. 7 and No. 17 consisting of 19.2 hectares situated beside SM Seaside City mall.

Meanwhile, Labella opined that Rama, as the chief executive, has the prerogative to enter into a transaction, conduct business and negotiate as stipulated for under the Local Government Code.   (FREEMAN)

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