Keeping the Wonderful Sound of Life

CEBU, Philippines — It’s hard to imagine life without sound. Even the breeze that touches the skin loses a good part of its caress without its hum. The sunset exudes more beauty when watched with the songs of the birds returning to their nests.

Sound is very much part of the human life experience. A kind gesture takes on more meaning with kind words said. Lovers cherish the sound of each other’s breaths, a reassurance of their intimate time together.

Even silence has a sound. Alone and quiet, one hears the sound of his own being. It is in the absence of extraneous sounds where one notices the heartbeats of his soul and the constant whispers of his deepest aspirations.

Considering the immense value of sound in everyone’s experience of life, it’s a pity that not too much particular attention is given to the human auditory faculty – until a problem arises. Two health-care specialists focus on hearing: audiologists and ENTs. Audiologists treat problems such as age-related hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears).ENTs treat hearing problems that are caused by issues such as infections, tumors, eardrum injuries and inner-ear problems, while also providing medical and surgical services for other disorders or diseases of the head and neck.

ENT doctors can generally take care of most of ear and hearing problems, including middle ear infections, or otitis media, which is typically caused by bacterial and viral pathogens. Ear infections – which can result in hearing loss – may also be caused by poor health care (example: poor hand and face hygiene),smoking,poor diet, andcrowded and unhealthy housing which facilitates transmission of bacteria.

Hearing loss can also be caused by persistent exposure to loud noise, especially in some home environments. As family members with existing hearing loss turn up the volume of TVs, radios and phones, or simply shout and scream to communicate, other members of the family suffer from the heightened noise.

House parties can have noise levels similar to discos or concerts and go on for much longer. In remove communities long car trips are common, and loud music may be played for many hours – with people frequently shouting over the music to communicate.

At this time of the year when firecracker explosions are part of the celebrations, small children at close hearing range can suffer from permanent hearing loss, especially with repeated exposure. When carried away by the frolic and fun, small children tend to be drawn to the center of the action and would even attempt to light the firecrackers by themselves. Then the risk of injury is increased.

While taking care of one’s ear health and hearing is everyone’s concern, parents and other responsible adults have the dual responsibility of also looking after children. The little ones still lacks a sense of precautionand need to be reminded or watched over always. The kids’ characteristic carelessness can cost them their access to the wonderful sound of life.

Once hearing is damaged, it's gone for good. The website shares easy ways to protect one’s ears and hearing health:

Use earplugs where there are loud noises.Many people have noise-induced hearing loss because of loud work or leisure environments.Clubs, concerts, lawnmowers, chainsaws, and any other noises that force one to shout so the next person can hear him all create dangerous levels of sound. Earplugs are convenient and easy to obtain. A pair can be custom-fitted with filters that allow a person to hear conversations amid noisy environments.

Turn the volume down.The World Health Organization says that teenagers and young adults worldwide are at risk for noise-induced hearing loss from unsafe use of audio devices. If wanting to enjoy music through headphones or earbuds, one can protect his ears by following the 60/60 rule – to listen with headphones at no more than 60 percent volume for no more than 60 minutes a day.

Earbuds are especially dangerous, as they fit directly next to the eardrum. Over-the-ear headphones shall be opted, instead. Any loud music, not just music played through headphones, presents a risk for noise-induced hearing loss. If hosting a social event, one shall keep the music at a volume which won't force people to shout in order to hold a conversation.

Give your ears time to recover.If one is exposed to loud noises for a prolonged period of time, like at a concert or a bar, his ears need time to recover. He shall try to step outside for five minutes every so often in order to let his ears rest.What’s more, researchers have found that the ears need an average of 16 hours of quiet to recover from one loud night out.

Stop using cotton swabs in your ears.It’s common for people to use cotton swabs to clean wax out of their ear canal, but this is definitely not advisable. A little bit of wax in your ears is not only normal, but it’s also important. The ears are self-cleaning organs, and wax stops dust and other harmful particles from entering the canal. Plus, inserting anything inside the ear canals risks damaging sensitive organs like the eardrum.

Excess wax around the canal can be cleanedwith a damp towel – gently. An earwax removal solution may also be used over the course of a few nights. This softens the wax so that it will eventually flow out on its own. The best solution is always to seek a professional opinion and care when possible.

Take medications only as directed.Certain medications, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) like aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen, can sometimes contribute to hearing loss. Medications shall first be discussed with the doctor if one is concerned that these will impact his hearing ability and these shall be taken only as directed.

Keep the ears dry.Excess moisture can allow bacteria to enter and attack the ear canal. This can cause swimmer's ear or other types of ear infections, which can be dangerous for one’s hearing. The ears shall be gently towel-dried after bathing or swimming. If one feels water in the ear, he may tilt his head to the side and tug lightly on the ear lobe to coax the water out.

Get up and move.Exercise is good for the ears. Cardio exercises like walking, running, or cycling gets the blood pumping to all parts of your body, including the ears. This helps the ears’ internal parts stay healthy and working to their maximum potential.

Manage stress levels.Stress and anxiety have been linked to both temporary and permanent tinnitus (a phantom ringing in the ears). High levels of stress cause the body to go into fight-or- flight mode, which is an instinctual reaction that fills the body with adrenaline to help one to either fight or to flee from danger. This process puts a lot of pressure on the nerves, blood flow, body heat, and more. It's commonly thought that this pressure and stress can travel up into the inner ear and contribute to tinnitus symptoms.

Get regular checkups.Hearing screenings may be incorporated into regular health checkups. Because hearing loss develops gradually, it’s also recommended that one has annual hearing consultations with a hearing healthcare professional. That way, it’s more likely that signs of hearing loss will be recognized and taken action on sooner.

Untreated hearing loss – besides detracting from one’s quality of life and the strength of his relationships – has been linked to other health concerns like depression, dementia, and heart disease.

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