Learning Equality and Fairness

CEBU, Philippines - Even young children shall have a good sense of fairness. It is a value that shall be developed as they grow up. A good way to do it is by applying this value into action at every opportunity that comes the kids’ way.

It also helps to discuss at home issues involving fairness and equality. Children shall be encouraged to ask the older members of the family – like Mom and Dad or grownup siblings – why it is important to be fair. They shall also be welcome to share their own ideas.

Another way is to enjoy together a story or share stories with fairness and equality as theme. After each story storytelling or story-sharing session, there may be a discussion on the points or ideas that the story conveyed. It is, then, a good opportunity for young children to express what they learned from the story or what they think.

In the discussion, there shall be no rules except to be open to everyone's ideas. Everyone shall also consider that there are no right or wrong ideas. Every idea expressed is simply a product of one’s understanding of the story.

If a child thinks that a character in the story is being unfair or treated unfairly, then he or she shall explain why. Moreover, the child shall relate how he or she would have handled the situation if it were him or her. Or the children may be asked if they can figure out how to treat everyone in the story fairly. It is going to stimulate their thinking and make them to realize many things.

The newly acquired ideas on fairness may be further reinforced by allowing family members to share responsibilities over house chores. For sure it is going to be a lot easier to make children religiously take care of their assigned tasks when they already have an understanding of the concept of fairness.

Equality happens when people are treated equally, when everyone is treated the same way. But on second thought, treating everyone the same way may not, in fact, be fair. If everyone is treated equally, then no one will give way to the elderly waiting in line. If everyone may be treated the same way, people in wheelchairs would not actually have an equal opportunity to go to the movies.

The equality concept may not be easy to get by little children; well, many adults don't get it either. That is why there are people who see the world in terms of black or white, good or bad, order or anarchy. They have difficulty accepting that people belong to the same human species and, therefore, shall be afforded the same opportunities for, say, progress.

There are people who have trouble understanding equality when they see other people have different needs. To understand equality, children’s attention shall first be directed at everyone’s basic rights; for example, the right to live and to pursue one’s own happiness. In a more practical sense, one practices equality when one considers that what may make him happy or sad are the same things that may make others feel the same way too.

Children need to learn to become the citizens we want them to be. They need to learn too to respect what others want to be, so long as they (the others) are not being unfair themselves. The world will be a much better place to live in if there are more fair-minded people around.

Winning Habits Mar 19 17

? Once in a while, be willing to give up your right in favor of the other person. While waiting for your turn to play at the swing, let the smaller child next to you go first. That child will admire your generosity and will do the same to another child sometime.

? Be willing to do a little sacrifice for others. How about skipping one snack every week and give what you would save to the poor children. This little sacrifice on your part will give great joy to those who receive your kindness.

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