Protection from Rainy-Day Ailments

CEBU, Philippines - It looks like the cold wet days are here again. These past weeks there have been weather disturbances that visited the region and Cebu, although at most times a little off their paths, is not spared from the effects. Getting caught in a surprise downpour is a close possibility these days.

It is advisable, therefore, to always have an umbrella on hand – or, well, in the bag. It is good protection from getting accidentally soaked in the rain. It’s bad enough for one to get drenched outside of the bathroom or the beach, and worse if the incident brings on cough and cold.

Without an umbrella or, for that matter, a raincoat, one is more likely to become a victim of the changeable weather. Good if there’s ready medicine for cough and cold at home. These are very important to avoid getting sick.

 In addition, these tips from the website will help prevent getting sick from the onslaught of rain.

Shower after the shower.

You enter your home drenched from head to toe in rainwater. Not that you forgot to bring an umbrella. Sometimes the rain and wind are just so strong that even your umbrella cannot protect you. It helps taking a shower as soon as you drop your bags in your room.

Now, this shower does not mean running out into the rain and getting wet again. It means going inside the bathroom for a continuous spray of warm or cool water. How is it any different from taking a shower under the downpour?

The rain outside is fairly cold which can lead to you getting, no pun intended, a cold. By taking a shower, you are slowly stabilizing your body temperature. If you aren’t in the mood for a shower yet, soak your feet in warm water to remove any germs and dirt at the same time, slowly take the temperature back to normal. If you are feeling fine, hop into the stall and turn that shower on.

Drink something hot.

Again, the rain can be very cold, to the point that you may feel chilled to the bone. One of the best solutions to avoid getting sick after a strong downpour is something you may have heard already or may have already experienced: drinking something hot. Hot soup is good to have during the dinner that follows. If not, hot herbal tea will do just as well. It is proven that taking something hot can help provide warmth for the body to help withstand the chill. In addition to this, a hot drink can clear up the phlegm accumulated in the nasal cavities and the throat, making it easier for you to breathe. Plus, it makes you feel warm and cozy inside.

 Do not wade in the flood.

With the torrid rains comes flash floods or just your basic ankle deep flood. Try to avoid this as these waters may carry a number of illnesses like leptospirosis. If you cannot avid it, do wear protective gear like boots to protect your body from getting wet from the flood.

Clean your surroundings.

One of the most common illnesses in the Philippines during the rainy season is dengue fever. It is so widespread to the point that some hospitals even have dengue wards. The reason why there is a great number of cases is due to the rain. Water can accumulate in different areas around your house such as canals, basins or pots where the dengue mosquito larvae will thrive. To avoid this, throw away any stagnant water around your home. When these containers are not in use, turn them over or if you really do not need them, throw them away.

The rains can really bring many health threats and discomforts. It is wise to be always ready and prepared. There’s a saying: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”


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