Proud to be Pinoy

Lolo Terio had never been happier. His balikbayan granddaughter would again be spending the summer with him.

"I have pasalubong for you, grandpa!" Pearlie said, unpacking her luggage. "All the way from England! Ta-dah!"

"A red T-shirt!" her lolo exclaimed, getting up from his rocking chair.

"Read the words, Lowlow," Pearlie urged him.

"PROUD TO BE PINOY! Why, this is great!" he exclaimed, then paused. "They make these in England?!" Lolo Terio's brows folded.

"Mom had it printed there. I also have the same pasalubowng for my friend Tey-oh and his Tah-tay! And I have one myself! And mom wears hers all the time!"

Lolo Terio mussed his granddaughter's hair and said, "I am verrry proud of you, apo! You are Pinoy at heart!"

"I am Pinoy! I was born here! The Philippines is my home country!" Pearlie replied, beaming widely. "Mom said, 'Puh-lie, we just happen to be living in England, because your dad's work is there.'"

Then suddenly Pearlie stood erect, raised her right hand, and recited, "Panah-tang Makabah-yan. Iniibeg kow ang Pilipinas; Ah-king lupang sinilah-ngan…"

Lolo Terio chuckled so hard, his teeth moved.


Dear God, thank You for my beloved Philippines. May I always be proud of my country. Amen.

Memory verse:

"So these three things continue forever: faith, hope and love. And the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13

“Quiet Time with Mateo – 52 Weekly Devotions for Children” is published by OMF Literature, Inc. and available at leading bookstores.

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