Let your child go outdoors

Having your child constantly play indoors is depriving them of the natural benefits of playing in the outdoors. Being outdoors contributes to the child’s learning. It is also the perfect place where to master physical skills, as the child has the space to fully experience running, jumping and feel free to move about.

Children are also likely to burn more calories when they are allowed to be fully active. Therefore, obesity can more likely be prevented, as compared to letting the child just sit around indoors in an air-conditioned room with eyes focused mainly on electronic gadgets.

Outdoor light also stimulates the pineal gland, a part of the brain that regulates the biological clock to allow the immune system to work to keep the child in good condition. In short, it is healthier for the child to play outdoors, where he can see wonderful animals and hear sounds created by Mother Nature.

There are many wonderful activities that can be enjoyed outdoors; your child will never run out of things to do! The kid can try water play (playing with a hose or sprinkler), sand play, tag, setting up an obstacle course, riding a bike or a scooter, swimming, hide and seek, having nature walks, horseback riding (at a certain age), skip-hop, jump rope, reading a book under a tree, chasing bubbles, water painting, setting up a tent, investigating insects and animals (such as ants, bugs, worms, to name a few), go “treasure hunting”, planting, hand-washing clothes, climbing a tree or a monkey bar, feeding the birds, ducks or fish, walking the dog, having a picnic, playing in the mud (getting down and dirty), playing ball, picking fruits from the tree, collecting dead leaves and many many more!

Who can ever say that the outdoors is boring? It isn’t, it’s the best place for a child!


(Reference: www.earlychildhoodnews.com)

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