
Dear Dr. Jen,

My face seems to be dry and flaky since the temperature has become more cool. What's a good way to exfoliate and get rid of the flakes?



Dear Jessa,

Getting rid of dry, flaky skin can give you that healthy glow that is associated with fresh skin.  However, over-exfoliating may also irritate your skin.  If you have access to see a board certified dermatologist, you can try asking about fruit enzyme-based peels to be followed by a gently diamond peel. 

 If seeing a dermatologist is not possible at this moment, you can use an AHA-based cream coupled with a strong non-comedogenic moisturizer for a few days.  You can then try exfoliating lightly with a clean, moist face towel.  Your goal should be to get rid of the scales but not make your skin raw after the washing.

Exfoliating too soon and too vigorously with scrubs may cause more harm than good especially if your skin is very dry.   Just keep the scrubs for the back and arms and be more gentle on your face, if this is your first time to exfoliate.



Dear Dr. Jen,

I have pimples along my eye brow area.  Why does it seem to be concentrated along the area?



Dear Bea,

      Brow pimples is very common among those who do threading, waxing, plucking or shaving the hair on the brow.  Waxing or plucking exposes the pore to bacteria and oil to enter the skin.  Also, the removal of the hair is irritating itself and may cause a mild inflammation on the pore.  You can apply an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ointment after you clean up the brow area.  This will prevent any pimple growth in the future.



Dear Dr. Jen,

  I just found out I am diabetic.  Are there any special precaution on how diabetics should take care of their nails? I am petrified of getting nail infections.



Dear Corina,

Diabetics need to be more cautious in getting pedicures because of several things.  Firstly, you may have less sensation of pain on the distal parts of your feet.  Any nick or wound may not be felt, delaying treatment and healing.  To ensure that this does not happen, have your manicurist cut your nails (NOT with nail scissors) straight across.  Avoid cutting too close to the nail bed and especially do not trim the sides or corners to avoid ingrown nails.  Filing toe nails will also ensure that no jagged or sharp nail will injure the neighboring toes.

 Secondly, circulation may be poor and you may be prone to developing onychomycosis or fungal nail infection as well as other infections.  It would be good to check your toes nails daily just to be on top of how your toes are doing.



Dr Tan is a diplomate of Philippine Dermatological Society (PDS). She is affiliated with Perpetual Succour Hospital (PSH).  For other information on PDS, check


If you have any questions or concerns please text, email or call (the Freeman or PSH): 0932 857 7070 or <> or  (032) 233 8620 or 232 5929.  Your inquiries will be forwarded to Dr. Tan.

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