Travel in Comfort and Style this Holiday Season

CEBU, Philippines - Travel spikes up during the holiday season not only because airplane companies smartly hold seat sales redeemable during the month of December, but because it's usually the time when companies gallantly dish out 13th, 14th, 15th, and who-knows-up-to-what-month's pay. Plus, it's the perfect time to use up all those leave credits that cannot be converted to cash. But hold up, sick leaves are not allowed because 'tis the season to be merry, not sick. 

If you're one of those happy "soles" who love to either spend some sunny or rainy weekend in a beach or resort, backpack across rustic, beautiful mountains or forests, immerse oneself in the wonderful culture of a new and exotic country, or just get away with the whole family during the holidays, read on for a checklist of some basic but essential items to get you travel-ready.

Sunblock. It does not matter where you go. Sunblock is your skin's best friend. Do not ever leave home without it. If you'll while away the time at the beach, bring a water-resistant one so you don't have to apply every so often. 

Shades. No, they're not only for style purposes. Sunglasses protect your eyes from the glaring UV rays of the sun. These days when Christmas feels like summer because of the heat and humidity, it is important to keep away the harmful rays.

Mosquito-repellant lotion. Have this close to you, especially if you are exploring some exotic island where you don't know exactly what is going to welcome you at the next corner. Better safe than in a hospital bed. 

Wet tissues. They are wet for a purpose and can remove dirt and grime, get rid of that sweaty, stinky feeling, clean a toddler's chocolate-covered hands, the list could go on and on. A smart traveler should always have a handy pack in her bag as water and soap may not always be available. This, coupled with some antibacterial gel or alcohol, could get you through another restroom stop.

iPod. Or any MP3 player. Should it be elaborated how music makes any 10-hour land trip feel like a long MTV? Starring yourself, of course. Cue "Call Me Maybe" and "Gangnam Style" on the playlist.

Camera or camera phone with WiFi. Heaven forbid, you would fail to post on Instagram or Facebook what was for lunch in this chic hotel you are staying in over the Christmas break. Pictures are a must, or it did not happen. You deserve the bragging rights if you are spending the holiday season traipsing through new places while suspending time and immortalizing memories that will last forever.

Flip flops. Yes, you cannot bring your high heels up the steep curves of that cliff, nor would your expensive flats feel happy about being covered in sand or mud. Flip flops such as the buttery soft, fashionable and functional Havaianas will allow you to conquer the world (and nature's elements) in style. From trendy to classic designs and different colors to choose from, you will be sure to find one that will match your travel wardrobe while you walk cobbled streets and stretches of sand in ultimate comfort. Plus, they are so light and slim that they will not even take so much space in your luggage.

So, where will your feet take you this holiday season? The beach? Bar? Your bed?

Before you lock up your 15 kg suitcase that you have carefully weighed, double check your list and make sure you have all the essentials, especially your Havaianas. (FREEMAN)


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